Thursday, December 31, 2009

Daddy the Fixer

Daddy Solved the Chapped lips Issue we were having with William..Yeah I'm Shocked too. I'm surprised I didn't think of it myself. But Daddy's are Fixers and we have had a Issue with William and his Chapped lips for a long time. He got to where he would pull the skin on his lips and make them bleed. I tried regular Chap Stick with him and he would get mad and wipe it off. One of his teachers suggested I put it on his lips as he slept. That was a great Idea only William is a Light sleeper and I knew he would wake up and would freak out then the whole day would be a Sour one.


So the FIX:


Daddy got Strawberry Flavored Chap stick. It's Red too. Which is one of Williams favorite colors. Plus it had a Nice Yummy smell. William smells everything he eats or taste. I showed him how to use the chap stick them I put it on him . A little at first. He didn't get mad or try to wipe it off ..Instead he tasted it. He liked it so much he asked for more. LOL. I put more on his lips as requested.  Good Job Williams Daddy..

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Coloring at Home?

Yes !... My Child colors at home.(another Blog on another day..Putting my Thick skin coat back on..) He has been putting up a fight with his teachers about Not finishing his work.Things take time and I've learned that he has to Relearn how to do things over all the time. So simple request are very difficult with him. That's all part of having a Child with Autism. Just because you know how to tie your shoes today doesn't mean you will remember how the Next Day... Repeat..Repeat.. Repeat..

When you fall off a bike get up, brush your self off and try again.. Being Autistic is Very much like this..The only Extra point in that is you need Help doing things like this.. Thats why parents take their kids to school an hire therapist. We are only one person.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Williams using sign language

William told me this Morning to wait. Using both hands..LOL.. Then I asked him to show me Please. That was done with Both hands also. I told him to show his Daddy "More" and he did. He has also been listening to Daddy yell at the football games. So William has picked up a Few Curse words.. Bad Daddy,, Bad Daddy..!!
William has had a Relapse of wanting to eat Dirt. He has been  trying to do that at school. I've been having to keep a watchful eye on him at home too.. Every time I see him looking down at my door mat I pull out that Liquid Iron drops he hates and I ask him if he wants some. He knows that's means to Stop. It's sad I have to show him these bottles of Medicines but... What the Heck else am I supposed to do when he isn't Phased by any Discipline.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wiliam got stung by a Bee!!

Williams and I were outside this am playing and he was sitting on the ground digging in the sand. A Yellow Jacket or a Honey Bee started bussing around his head. William swatted at it and caught it in between his fingers. It stung his right index finger on the inside of his hand. I scooped him up ran inside. (this was very hard to do considering I was attacked by a Dog yesterday and have stitches in both legs). So inside we went and I grabbed the bottle of aspirin. Crushed one up. Added a drop of water to it and attempted to put it on the sting. The whole time William was Screaming and Freaking out. What child wouldn't have. I called the inlaws to get some tobacco. ( I'm surprised I don't smoke with all I go threw.. My Nerves have been shot for a LONG time now.LOL) We wet the tobacco and rubbed that on the sting. Then..I got out the baby Tylenol and gave him 1 &1/2 teaspoons of that.. A hour later he was ready to go to Mcdonalds..
GHEESH~~~ !  A Mothers Job is HARD work..!!
BTW.. I'm okay from the Dog Bites... The County came and Picked up the Dog. I'm not going to Per sue this because it was my Sisters dog. She felt VERY Bad about this but..... How were we supposed to know her Dog was gonna go off on me...

Friday, October 30, 2009

William loves playing Catch

Look at that Cute little face~! this is the look of a Typical 5 year old thats about to do something to make his momma run.. After I took this photo he threw the ball down the driveway to watch me run after it so he could laugh... What goes around sure does come around..( Kicking myself..Why couldn't I have been a Sweet kid..UGH ))

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall break Update..

Well today is Williams first day back to school from his Fall Break. I hate to say this but..Boy I'm sure glad. ! He did extremely well over the break as far as his schedule goes. He kept me on my toes the entire time he was home. I had a feeling he would see how Much trouble he cold get into on this break. Whats that saying.."Boys will be Boys".. well I sure did get a sample of  that..PHEW! ~  He put playdoh into my stereo. He wanted to make sure it was in their good so he rewinded it and the fast forwarded it in really good.. I had to move the entire system and put it into our storage building outside.. THEN... Yes their is more... We lock our doors w/ 3 locks.. a regular door lock, a dead bolt lock and a door latch on the very top of the door.. William pulled a chair from the kitchen table to the front door and attempted to reach the top lock in a attempt to make a mad dash out the door... He already had the bottom two un-locked and ready to go...UGH....William is also stronger then I give him credit for..He pulled my Computer tower out from the desk and pulled all the plugs out and poured sand into the back of the machine.. I had to take the entire tower apart and use a can of air to blow the sand out... Obviously it still works or I wouldn't be posting now..LOL..   
But the good part about all of this is that...... He gowning as a Independent child. He's thinking for himself.  Now some of his decisions haven't been very good.But he now knows he can't make those choices again.. But all in all he's my baby and I love him no matter how many things he tears up.. LOL !!~

Saturday, October 24, 2009

We interrupt this blog to bring you a Special Broadcast..

I know I haven't blogged on anything in a few weeks, Days, Ectra... Williams been home on his fall Break.
( This Holiday should have been renamed.. Momma's gonna Break and Fall... Williams been so Mischievous lately..). I've got pictures to post and then tell you some of his Newest achievements .. SO Hang on.. It might take me a few more days to fill everyone in.. ~ A

Friday, October 9, 2009

Our sick visit

Welp we are just getting over (I Hope) being sick. William shared with us.. Gotta love your kids and the things they give ya.. Any ways.. I took William to the Dr. yesterday. His Dr's office opened a New office that was just as close as the regular office is to where we live. The Male Dr on call is the reason I went to the new office. Besides William doesn't like him either..So no need in subjecting both of us to his Quack-O ways..
    Moving right along...  He was treated like a new patient at this office. Paperwork extra..His Regular office had not faxed any info to this new office so they had No Idea he was Autistic.  I finally told the Doctor after she kept attempting to speak to him..His Behavior was so Great yesterday.
."" Transition, transition , transition....""
 I had a feeling he was gonna flip out but..He did great. He even let the Dr listen to his heart and look in his ears.. I told Dr.C she had bragging rights over Dr.Kim. I think it's more of her soft nature.. I'll make sure we book future visits with her..

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bath time Drama..

Just had to blog over this one.....
    William has overcame his fear of getting a bath. At the beginning of last school year the kid would stand in the water and let me wash him..Over the course of the year he slowly became used to sitting in the water. Then he became very confident with the faucets and started turning them off and on. He learned how to adjust the hot and cold settings. I'm just waiting for the day he decides to turn on the shower.. I hate to even think of how that's gonna go down.. I "NORMALLY" keep a eye on the water level.. He barely had the water running so I figured I had enough time to finish a load of laundry while he took his bath..... SO. Their I was.. Folding cloths and I heard a Big..I mean Big Splash... !! I took off running to the bathroom and there he stood.. He looked at me and say..OH NO A MESS !! I was like Umm... Mess is a understatement..It was more like the Grand Rapids Rolling over the edge of the tub and headed for the hallway..If that wasn't enough.. William looked at me and said... I sit down..He did a Baby cannonball and another TITAL waved rolled over the edge of the tub this time making it to the hallway.Lets not forget the Floor vents the water was pouring into looked like Niagra Falls. . My first reaction  to all of this was to grab towels and start soaking up all the water. Then I pulled the stopper in the tub  & turned the water off . If I wasn't in such a mad dash I would have made William help mr clean up his mess.. But considering it's mainly my fault why even attempt it..I am the one who lets him play with the faucets and the laundry could have waited.. Owell... We live and learn.. But the good part of this is My bathroom floor is clean.. LOL

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A New Idea

 William has been playing with straws lately . I'm not sure what new Obsession he's gonna be one now but I can make this a Positive impact for him. Last night I decided to put a straw in my coke can and hand the entire thing to William just to see what he would do. First I told him to blow bubbles. He did and thought that was the Funniest thing..Then I told him to drink..Which he did..(Yeah all that caffeine had us up late) He chocked himself a little at first but after a few times practice I think he's got it down. I never knew mastering the Skill of drinking threw a straw would open so many New doors for him. Today While I was at Walmart I got drinking cups w/ straws. I picked up a few different flavors of kool aid just to make an see what he would think.
I have also been debating on what to leave out for William to find and "HOPEFULLY" try. I showed William a Lunchable that had ham and slice cheese and crackers in it. I has opened the fridge a couple of times and looked at it. He hasn't asked me to open it but..I feel it's just a matter of time..
** OH Before I forget..We had Lovely Pizza last night. I even managed to put green beans on William half..He ate every bit..LOL.. The Sneeky Momma strikes again. I have ordered a book called the Sneeky Mom too lol  I've very excited over that .**

Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm Just Compelled to blog something..

I've been compelled to Blog this morning. About what.?.Well I'm not quite sure..Just a New post for my Growing Blog readers to view and know I'm completely off my Rocker.... Why Blog you ask?..Well..Actually blogging helps me. It has successfully kept me from hitting know it all old ladies that gossip about your kid. Family Members that know of the blog but haven't read it want to be nicer to you for a fear you might talk about them to everyone. I have also accomplished keeping everyone who would like to know stay informed of how William in doing . That way there is no..You told her before me stuff..Well except for the family members that don't go to my blog..Owell.. Moving right along..

William has 4 New Women in his life.. I know such a Ladies man he has become. Last year he wouldn't let anyone really near him.. This year he's got'um smooching on him and all... I tried to get some sorta compassion in the morning when I drop him off but I get no love ..So Once again I'm the Lady that gave him a ride to school....

Okay so Williams Newest things.. Well As of yesterday he tried a New Candy. A Airhead. A few weeks ago he tried a sweet tart. Now I'm thinking I might just start leaving some eye appealing food on the Kitchen Table. Curiosity never killed anyone. If he is willing to try something I'm gonna help him. Even if he doesn't realize I'm helping him. He likes to be in control of his surroundings . That's okay to a Certain extent them I'm the Mean old Mommy again because I know what's best for him. (OMG I SO SOUND LIKE MY MOM..LOL) ..Over the summer break William would watch me make cupcakes and cakes and Brownies. He would never try them..Until the weekend of his Daddys Birthday. I saw that William took a cupcake from off the table and went to his room with it and ate the icing off of it..Which is great he did but I then started having to keep a Watchful Eye what he wanted to try to run off with.

His Language is improving all the time. He asked for things all the time. If he really wants something it's followed by Please. I don't even answer his wants unless he says please. It sounds mean but he knows the drill. Plus I'm not having to prompt him to say the please. He knows thats what he should say. He gets to play on the computer at school.So he doesn't fuss with me much over it here at home.YEAH !~ Facebook here I come..LOL. He is learning how to Share one way or the other. So We are still making progress. He has tried to run the show at school on several occasions. I'm so Glad for Teachers that have Skills...Stern but Gentle and Understanding of my Child and his needs...even if it calls for stealing all my Kisses... Owell.. It's a improvement and I'll take it either way I can get it..

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Williams Birthday update:

Williams 5th Birthday was a Hit. Sense he prefers only a selected group of People I opted to only Invite Grandparents. It was a Easy fix for us and with the way our Finances are these days it was reasonable.
I knew a big crowd of people would be too much for him. However we did attend his classmates Birthday bash the day before and he did good for about 40 minutes then it was Hell !. He wanted all of the presents and the cake and started screaming. I felt like we were going to ruin his party so we thanked them all for inviting us and wished Happy Birthday to Michael and we were outta there.... But we went and tried it and that's all I know how to do..

His own party was much more pleasant. A smaller Crowd and his Own Cake and Presents. William enjoyed that so much. I put up a Birthday banner and asked William what it said..He told me "Happy Birthday".. I was a little star struck but I'm not surprised by how much stuff he really knows. He chooses to NOT show you all his knowledge unless he wants too. Typical male trait.. He enjoyed us singing Happy Birthday to him. He's been singing it to himself for four days now. . Along with the Itisy Bitisy Spider and Row ,row, row your boat.

But it was a Great Day and Weekend.

Are we really having this conversation again ??

The Source of the of the person who made the Comment about Females being the Carrier of the Autism Gene Was reveled and got a taste of her own Medicine last night. Apparently no one wanted to tell her she was giving away info that had no real truth.. Well.... She caught me at the wrong time.. I'm very sensitive when it comes to that subject and I felt She was taking a stab at me over it.. If I was about 15 years younger and had no manners, I would have jumped the table we were sitting at and smacked her.. But I didn't.. I told her she was wrong. I told her that we, My Mother in law & I, Questioned Dr.Pearlmen over it. He said and I Quote
" That info is not available right now. There is no real way of telling who the carrier is. Maybe in the year 2020 we will know that answer but not now". I couldn't believe she thought she was going to tell be that and not expect some sort of reaction. On top of that I can't believe no one wanted to stand up for myself Or William.. SOME FREAKING FAMILY I HAVE OVER HERE !! Just because your older doesn't mean you are wiser..! Get your facts straight before you start broadcasting it all over Town..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

In Honor of Williams 5th Birthday

I can't believe my Baby will be 5 years old soon. I rememebr the day I found out I was pregnant just like it was yesterday. It was close to valentines day and Williams daddy got a Pair baby socks as a Gift. . . Anywhoo... Yesterday I heard William in hall closet. I didn't think anything of it untill I saw his new hat. . .

Five years ago this Sunday @ 6:47 PM. After 11 hours and 47 minutes of Labor My Beautiful little boy was born. We were so proud . Daddy went to the Gift shop and got this Hat to hang on our Door.. Now... William thinks it is his new toy..
(( He better think twice..I'll hide it again..))

Whats Going on w/ us..

Okie Dokie.. I have lotsa good news and Updates for you guys..

~ We have Officially won the Battle over eating Dirt/ Sand.. wahoo !! Bragging
rights Over here..!!

~ We are now taking naps at school with.. Kudo's to Mrs.K ~ I'm still Jelous ..

~ We are getting close to A Full Day of school.. Hopefully Tuesday we can get that
over and done with.

~ We are still getting Speech therapy. That's going great !

~ Looks like Occupational therapy is Headed our way.

~ We are still in our WAR over the Potty training . ...Were Down but not Out..!!

Our New Goals are for this school year are:

1. Coloring in the lines
2. Scissor cutting
3. Participate in group settings
4. Working on his Fine Motor Skills
5. Be able to give you basic info about himself. Name, Age ectra.
6. ** Sharing **
7. Behavior ( Hopefully with more Language this will calm down even more)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Homework Assignment

I picked up William from school yesterday just like any other normal day. Buckled him into his safety seat and proceeded home. I love looking in William book bag while driving home to see what they made at school that day or the day before..Yeah I know I should be watching the road but a full book bag is like Christmas to me.. LOL.. I pulled out his folder and saw a agenda the teacher types up letting the parents know what they are doing. I love this idea expecially for parents who are not allowed to visit the classroom yet due to Kids like William who do not want mom's there. LOL.. I also noticed a picture of a tree.. I thought Hummm..What the heck is this for..Then I read on his daily activities sheet that it was a family tree and we needed to fix it before Thursday..OMG I though.. that's tomorrow..! So.. the wheels got to turning..

I knew William couldn't draw let alone write some ones name.. But what he could do is cut, color and glue.. SO.. I decided to get extra pictures of our family and cut them out. William colored his tree and them glued the pictures into place.
WAH ~LAA ! Our Family tree..! Check it out..I think it turned out too cute..
((in this photo the tree isn't finished yet but you get the idea ))

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Making Progress

Last year I chicken out with the whole drop off procedure. NOW.. I Love it.. It makes things so much easier for William and I both. Last Friday (8-7-09) was the very first time I attempted it.. Today was only the 4th time ever getting dropped off at the front of the school. He's doing so well... Friday Mrs.C got him out..Yeah he kicked and screamed was a routine change for him and I both. Monday the Principal got William out..Same as Friday..Upset but quickly changed the second he got his book bag and was walking with his Mrs.L Yesterday went smoothly and today was even better. I even attempted a Photo Opt.. LOL Check it out..

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Our First Day of School 09-10

Last night I ran around here like a frantic crazy women. I was so afraid I'd forget something I had to do for today. I packed Williams Lunch, set out his cloths for today and a spair in his bookbag, cooked dinner and made sure his car seat was in Nina's Car (Long story set for another day ..Maybe..)
I put William in the tub at a earlier time so I could tire him out faster. When he got out the tub we went straight to bed. No side tracking to play or watch a movie. He knew in his little mind what was going on ..He turned off the lights & Hopped into bed. He giggled for about a good 35 minutes then he was out like a light.

This mornimg was very much the same. He jumpped up at 5:30 .Came to me and said.. I'm ready. I told him it wasn't time yet. So back to bed he went for another 45 minutes of hard sleeping. The alarm went off at 6:20 and I let it buzz long enought untill I could here him making Noise. I turned on the tv and started to get myself dresses. He waited patiently for me to finish and then went and sat down beside his shoes and cloths. He Helped me put his shirt on and I finished up the rest of his attire for the day. I guess I was taking too long wanting to take pictures so he put his book bag on so..

Out the door we went and on to school. William was really ready to go back. I wasn't but he was.. Once at school it was like ol' times for him. Out the car to the double doors . Only this time instead of Mrs.L waiting on him it was his..Mrs.KK.. He was thrilled to see her .He went right to her and didn't even look back. Once again I was just the Lady who gave him a ride to school LOL..

Thursday, July 23, 2009

School starts back Aug.5th

Are we Ready.? Not even close...William has been asking for school these last few weeks. So surely I thought he would be super excited about going back. Only this go round it will be different.. I've excepted he the fact that he will not be in the same class as we were told ..But that's ok. I understand he has to learn things aren't always going to be the same. It's just going to be like the very first day of school all over again... YUCK ! So school shopping is in Full effect here. I know we will get a "I need list" from the teachers.  So I can't pick up odd items yet. Instead we are getting the normal stuff.. Ready or NOT school days are here again...
Therapy is going wonderfully. William keeps us on our toes every single session. He named all letters of the Alphabet yesterday.  He even knew what a basket was.. I had no clue he knew what that was.. He Shocked Me.
Potty training is still the same.. He sits and no action.. Humm... I beginning  think he will do it when he gets ready too..

Monday, July 13, 2009

We have a Winner...

    We have been working with William since May to try to get him to say please when he ask for things. It just sounds better then him being so demanding all the time.  We have been working with him on the 3 word sentences also.  So far so good with that. He is now talking to us in three word phases more now then ever.  When william asked for stuff I repeat back to him..What more cookies ectra. with "Want" being the start of the sentence. Plus I use sign language and he reads them all as I sign. See he knows whats going on he just chooses not to do things .Boys will be boys..

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some Summer Fun Pictures !!

William and I ..

William playing

William and Daddy picking out a Birthday Card for Nina .. It's crooked because I had to jump out and snap it before Daddy could hide..Haha !

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

14 Different Animals

WOW !! I had no idea William knew the names to not one, not two but fourteen different animals. Too me that's really good. Plus when Mrs.KK counted the ones he named William counted them too out loud  all the way to 14. That's the first time he has counted for Mrs.KK also. I had no idea he knew so many animals. I knew he could name the basic ones ..Cow, Pig, Dog & Cat. I was dumbfounded when he correctly identified the Tiger, Kangaroo , Gorilla , Monkey, Bear , Polar bear, Dolphin, Turtle, ectra. I was even more surprised that he pointed out the different bears. One being a regular bear and the other being a Polar bear.. Wow ! I thought he would get stuck on the Monkey and Gorilla because they are kind of the same to me but..he didn't. . .
He's got all this knowledge it's amazingly SCAREY ! 

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lets Get Social Update !

My Summer agenda was to help William become more social. I think after yesterdays amazement we are getting some where with this. I've been taking William almost everywhere when I go off. We have visited almost all of the family except for a few People .Each visit has not all been easy. He has held on to Daddy for dear life w/ a couple of them. Others were just him & I went and those went really well to my surprise.

Friday evening was a shock to me. We go to this little store near our house and I usually take William in with me so he can pick out his own Candy. It's under new management so the people are completely different. William looked carefully down each Isle. Then he set his sights on a pack of Pop tarts. He grabbed them and we were headed for the register. The owner/Casher was awaiting our arrival. William had never seen him before. The owner/ cashier had not met William yet either. So he says "Hey buddy.. You got a Pop tart ? William looked up at him with a Big smile on his face and says.. "A Pop tart !... It's blue.!." ...I was in AHHH ! First of all that was a strange person he had never met. Second he talked to this guy when he asked him a question and answered it all on his own. WOW ! But that's not all....

Saturday we went to visit My Brother & Sister in law that live on Wilmington Island. William is used to riding down the expressway. So he tried to go to sleep until he noticed we were in Downtown Savannah and the change of scenery went from trees and road signs to tall buildings and stop lights. William perked up and watched out the window as we made our way to the Island. Once we got onto the Island we attempted to take him to McDonalds but... William didn't want Nuggets.. ((What?)) . . . He wasn't hungry at all. .
Once we got to Aunt A's & Uncle H's house William went into OMG Daddy hold me mode. Which was all he wanted. Aunt A offered him some Candy and that was the Ice breaker. William sat in my lap and then proceeded to go threw the candy. Aunt A (Who William had not seen since in almost a year) asked William what color he wanted.. Guess what William did.... He told her and Blue and a Green... Again.. Language and conversation w/ someone he hasn't seen in a while... WOW.. I think all these visits and new environments are really starting to get somewhere....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Year in Review

I was going to blog about How William has been doing with all the Summer Therapy & Extended school year stuff but then it hit me..

A year ago Today William was diagnosed with Autism. I remember that Day very well. It wasn't a shock to hear what Dr.P told me. I knew in my heart that my Baby was Different. I did feel like my world would end. I blamed myself for his condition. I wondered why God was punishing me. I had more then a few pity parties for myself but to top it all off I felt alone. Family Support was all I asked for and understanding of my childs condition. I had a hand full of family supporting me but I needed more..So I reached out to perfect strangers ,who are now friends to fill that void. I needed that pat on the back. A hey Mom your doing a Great job. I Also wanted to know anything & everything about Autism. So I could better understand why William had screaming fits, Why he only wanted to eat certain foods, wear a certain shirt ectra. I educated myself to the best of my ability.

School started for William in September on the 15th. If you go back to that post you can see for yourself I was a nervous wreck. The only person I felt that knew him was me. Yeah sure Dad was here but he was still in denial mode. So that wasn't alot of help. Then on top of that I couldn't tell him every thing about his days at school. The good ,the bad and the Ugly were always sugar coated for Daddys ears . Then the less he knew the Better for me.

My first School Event w/ William was the fall festival. I was excited over that. Even though I had to hide threw most of the event. I met a couple of other parents w/ ASD children. One informed me that she didn't go bragging around that her child was Autistic. I felt like she was scolding me. So then I was afraid to even mention it anyone else. I didn't know if there was a Hush hush system at that school or not.
So I pretty much kept quiet for a month or two after that.

The Winter Holiday was good. William had started to really pick up on his vocabulary and start to become more independent. He asked for things instead of pointing and screaming. He started to open up to us and the new world around him. I was still in amazement over all he had accomplished in such a short period of time. My Back bone grew and I was given a Nice pep talk but the Autism BOE Specialist. She put the fire in my Veins and the teachers put the courage in my heart to push on for my Child.

The New year was a complete 180 change for me. I let everyone know in my own way that they either get on board with this or get outta my way. The train was leaving with or without them. Daddy quickly changed his tune and then slowly the other hand full of Family members followed suite.

William continued to progress every single Day. He did things and said things that I can still recall. I had teachers walking up to me every day telling me things he had done. I was a Little jealous I had not witnessed them myself. But I knew me staying at school with William was out of the question. He let me know my place early on. I was his way to school and his ride home. Towards the End of the year William ditched me every single morning for his Mrs.Lindsey.

Then finally on the second to the last day I decided to stay in the class with William. It was a rocky start but he adjusted well. If I had known that sooner I could have included myself in more of his classes. Owell there is always this school year.

Summer Therapy began along with Extended school year. William has really been a shining star for them. He's opened up just a little bite more to them. For a Child who didn't speak and screamed every single time a stranger looked at him I'm in Ahhh.. still to this Day. If Some one had asked me a year ago if I thought any of this was possible I would have said ..NO... William had proven me wrong.. I hope he keeps proving me wrong for many more years to come. I'm Proud of My Child and always will be ~Amanda

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Father's Day Update

Sorry to leave you guys Hanging..

Our Fathers Day cake was a Flop. . I changed my mind at the last minute .I wanted to make brownies instead. . All was well until I turned off the Oven before they were done . I tried to stir them up and reheat them but..Nope.. They were no good. It looked like Baked Mudd. So I got a wild Idea. I tried to pass them off to William by telling him it was Dirt. He did the smell test and handed my pitiful looking brownie back to be. Followed by.."All Done. I finished".. So Dad had too settle for my Famous Crock Pot Dinner. .

Dad Also spent his entire Day w/ William right up under him.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

Today William and I are going to bake Daddy a Cake. It's going to have his Favorite Chocolate Icing and three layers . Then this afternoon when it starts to cool off The three of us are going to head to the Park and then to McDonald's for Ice cream and Chicken Nuggets. I'll post picture tomorrow..
Have a great Day family & friends ~Amanda

Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm so Jelous of KK

Today was a Off Schedule day of therapy but with they way things went you sure couldn't tell. We had a Visitor early this am. It was Williams Cousin Albert who came to see him and Pose for some Silly pictures for me. So The tone for the Day was set. William was in a good mood when his Mrs.KK arrived. He colored his Cow and told us it lived on a Farm. She blew Bubbles and William asked for More...PLEASE... When he did that I told her right off the BAT.. Okay you've got Bragging rights now! I've tried on numerous occasions to get him to say please when he ask for things. He has struggled over this small word with me and Mrs.D. The very First time Mrs. KK asked him to say it..What does he go and do..He repeats it like he has know how to say it for years. . .

Any whoo on to our green Bean Hiding.. Welp I tried to hide them in grits.. that was a Failure..they turned green. i could have passed them off to someone if it were St.Patricks Day but..Not this time. Instead out Dog ate really well that Day.

Our Dirt eating is still in effect. It's a slower pace but..Still in effect. The only good that is coming out of this is..I can get William to wash his own hands in the sink. I put the soap on his hands and he makes Bubbles and then splashes them off in the water. I dry them off and he says Finish..I done and darts off to his Room to plunder in his toy box.

I've still got him cleaning up after himself. He tries to protest but I don't give in.

We have a Family outing planned for tomorrow. This will be Williams 1st Trip/ Family gathering from my side of the Family. They have all been forewarned that we might show up and if William can't hang we are outta there. I'll let you guys know how things transpire. Later Gators ~A

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sneaky Mom strikes again.

Yeah this sneaky Momma is up to No Good again... Seems like William still wants to eat dirt and still fights us over this Liquid Vitamin supplement w/ Iron.. Welp In a plead of desperation.. I let him have his Dirt.. WAIT ! !
I know what you all are thinking... But what you didn't know and neither did he was ... I Fixed that dirt Way before he had it in his hand. I dripped his Medicine all over it. So... He takes a bite and the nasty, yucky ,What the heck is this mommy look comes across his face. Down goes the Dirt and off he runs.
Mission accomplished. Lets just hope I can keep this up until he is cured of his dirt eating days. I'm beginning to think it's more of a Sand obsession then a Iron thing too..

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

See I have proof he ate it..

Getting ready to cook..

Humm.. Lets try it...


Operation Green beans was a sucess !

No... I don't feel Guilty one little bite for tricking William into eating Vegetables. He used to love vegetables when he was younger. Especially green beans. My Sister used to watch him for me and she even told me "Your kid loves green beans!"
So I kept that in mind when I choose what to hide in his pizza. I was So afraid he would figure it out and not eat it.But I fooled him! To my surprise he wasn't the only person I fooled. Looks like Dad had himself a late night snack too. I opened the fridge this am to see.... Only One slice of Pizza left. . .

Green Beans .. It does a Body Good..Pass it On..He he !!

** If anyone else has some good hiding ideas..Bring them on..**

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our Dirt Eating Saga

As promised I'm gonna tell you guys about Williams Dirt eating Saga..

I finally got William to not be afraid to play in the sand. Little did I know that he would come to love sand. To love it so much he would rather eat it then food. Yeah the boy wanted to pass up a lovely cheese pizza for a ball of dirt. So I tried to trick him or lure him away from his dirt eating days buy getting him Pixi sticks. It's a sand texture which might be what he is hooked on. Yeah they are full of sugar but I wasn't worried about him bouncing off the walls. I was more concerned over low iron and his pediatrician giving me the "EVIL EYE" when I went to visit her. I tried to build up the courage to take William in to see her..But at the last minute I chickened out. Instead I called the nurse who suggested a easy fix..Poly-Vi-Sol . It's a liquid iron supplement & it also comes in the multi-vitamin form.

So we are on week #2 of this stuff. He doesn't fight me over it too much. He knows I'm gonna give him this stuff regardless if he wants it or not. Typical Mommy Duty here..So as a result ..His poor lil tummy is soo Upset & We are not eating as much dirt as we were. I hope this gets better soon.

With that medicine it is supposed to encourage "good" eating habits. I'm not sure how good they will be with a picky eater but I'm going to give it a shot.

Today I'm gonna try to trick him into eating green beans. I'm going to mash them up and attempt to hide them in his Pizza under the cheese.. Humm... I'm getting creative over here... Not alot to work with but pizza, Chicken nuggets, Rice, Scrambled eggs & grits but..I'm gonna fix him right on up..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

We ( I ) survived Therapy

The therapy's both went Really well.. Mrs.D came yesterday and William tried to close the door on her at first. He took off to his room and thought he was safe.. Nope.. Mean Ol' Momma came and got him and back to the living room we went. She asked questions and he answered. He signed more to her for the first time ever.... He Did so good. I was so proud of him.

Today was very much he same. I thought William would not want to have anything to do w/ Mrs.MK . Again he proved me wrong. She did her own eval. Which was close to the same if not excetally the same as the one the school did prior to his start of school. He identified 6/9 of the objects she asked him to point out. He followed directions by giving the toy rabbit something to eat w/ a spoon. He picked up and gave her a toy car that was lined up w/ 4 other objects. I was blown away with all he did.

As a reward we went to the Dollar store for a trip threw the Isles.. We even made it out the store with out any junk food this time. He didn't want anything. He just wanted to ride in the buggy.. Check it out..

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What we are up too..

OKay.. Starting tomorrow William will begin his summer therapy & Extended school year. I'm very NEW to all of this. I know William has benefited threw out the entire school year from what the ladies have done. So I'm not opposed to new things.They will be coming to our home to give the sessions. I have never really been the Hostess type. I'm more nervous about that then anything. I've cleaned for the past week. I made sure all the Curio cabinet's were Dusted and the glass wiped down and streak free,I've washed and ironed the curtains, I even cleaned the carpet twice. William has enjoyed seeing me sweat. He thinks this is all a game. So he messes up and then he wants to help me clean up. I'm all for that. It's not like I don't know the Ladies that will be here & I know they are here to help him. I'm just nervous about the whole thing. remember he hasn't even been DX for a Year. July the 2nd is less then a month away.

But this is what else we have been doing beside my Frantic Cleaning Urges:

William didn't want to wait for me to dress him so we could go outside. He attempted to dress himself. Then I showed him the right way to put on his cloths. Now he's walking around the house in my shoes.( I'll catch him in a picture soon... he's too quick)

We have played outside with Bubbles,

I tried to get him to help me wash the car. He didn't want to wash the car only play in the Bubbles. (Typical male not wanting to help.) This is why he thinks we should play in bubbles..

We have visited some Family,

BuT..... We (yeah Dad & I) are getting him to ask for things w/ Manners.. I've even used only sign language to ask him things and he understands that.. He just tries us and doens't want to do it.. But.. We are making progress and thats all I can ask for.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Summer Fun

We have had alot of rain here lately. William has been stuck inside for the last two days. Only getting to go outside in between rain showers. Which is okay considering he can't dig up sand and eat it.. Oh yeah were doing that now (Sigh)..But I'll blog about that after our Doctors appointment this week.

SO to keep him busy we have read some of his favorite books, colored a few pictures for Family members up coming birthdays, ectra.

I've been getting William to pick up after himself more then what he has been doing. He now puts toys away and books back in place too. Not too much stress for a 4 year old.

I have even forbid (DH) Not to give into Williams demands when he yells for stuff. He is told to say please. If he doesn't say please them he does not get it. William orders the Poor guy around and DH is such a push over that he will do what ever William wants..Trust me William knows that too. I told (DH) that he is not learning anything from him / US giving into him. SO that has Changed.

I'm still getting William to sit on the Potty.. Still no action. I'm thinking about a new approach on it. I'll let you know how that works out.

As most of you guys know William will get Extended school year services this year. Plus I have asked for additional services for more Therapy. One therapy is to maintain what he's already learned and I would think that other is to help him improve in his speech. We will see how all that pans out.

To help William get a better grasp on the Days scheduled Activity, I got him to help me make a calendar. We cut out and Colored every part of it. Each Day we are going to add a new Flower to the calender and swap out the Pictures. Depending on the event for the day.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Last Day of school & Pass the Tissues again..

Well today started off the same as the rest of the other days of school. Only today for some odd reason I was nervous. I spend two hours with William at school yesterday and got the feeling today was going to be a tear jerker. Boy was I in for a surprise. .After William Ditched me this am for Ms. Lindsey I went to do the normal morning running around.

I kept myself busy this morning trying not to look at the time. Finally when I did take a peek at the clock I panicked.. Oh lord I’m gonna be late. So I grabbed the car keys and a Umbrella. Yeah did I mention it was raining. Perfect weather for being late. I bolted safely down the street.

I got half way to school and realized.. Oh man I forgot to shave my legs and put on lotion. Perfect. Now I’m gonna be late and I’ve got legs that look like pine trees growing in a desert. I wouldn’t have payed it any attention but I wore Capri Pants. So I figured I can't shave but I could fix the dry skin issue with…... Liquid Hand Sanitizer. They would at least be Germ free right. LOL

I then realized I didn’t wash out Williams sippy or fill it with ice. Great I had to stop at the gas station and use their hot water tap on the coffee pot to wash it out. Then I filled it with Ice from the sods machine. I was thinking to myself. ”Lord just let me make it to the school in one piece.”

Finally I get to school a minute late and the school secretary Filled out my name tag as I signed myself in. She even knew I was late and helped me out. So I followed the principal to the classroom she was headed there herself to see. We walked in and the kids were dancing and have a great time. William sat quietly as everyone around him danced and clapped and cheered. Then one of his teachers asked him to Dance and he took off to her to get down and Boogie. William smiled from ear to ear. I was so Happy to see that too. Then he spotted me and that was the end of that. I told him we had to sit down and watch. He was okay with that and that’s what we did.

Then they Played a movie of the kids. The very first of the Movie was William saying the teachers names and the kids.. OMG pass the box of tissues.! I cried so hard after that. Every time I saw a picture of him with his little friends I Boo~Whooed even harder. The music they added to the picture slide show/ Movie didn’t help matters either.(I'm not sure who the aurthur is but it goes something like this..)

~~The wind is moving But I am standing still.
~~A life of pages waiting to be filled.
~~A heart that's Hopeful.
~~A head that full of dreams.
~~But this becoming is harder then it seems.

~~Feels like I'm.. looking for a reason.
~~Roaming threw the night to find my place in this world.
~~My place in this world

~~Not a lot to lean on.
~~I need your life to help me Find my place in this world,
~~My place in this world.

~~If there are Million's down on there knees
~~Among the many
~~Oh can you still hear me.
~~Hear me asking where do I belong .
~~Is there a Vision that I can call my Own
~~Show me..

~~I'm looking for a reason.
~~Roaming threw the night to find my place in this world.
~~My place in this world.

~~Not a lot to lean on.
~~I need your life to help me Find my place in this world,
~~My place in this world.

I’m still tearing up just thinking about it.

After the movie was over and all the parents gained their composure. We socialized, swapped email addresses, phone numbers and ate snacks. William sat with me and only fussed two times about getting his book bag. So when it was all over with and everyone said there tearful goodbyes we left.

I was okay until I passed the front gates of the school and then I cried some more. No more waking up at the butt crack of dawn to get William to school early so he could play, No more fights over putting on shoes and socks to go to school, No more arguments over the book bag, No more cute little art projects to hang on his walls, No more fussing over not taking off his jacket, No more fun party's to go to with him, No more annoying calls to the secretary to check on him & No more spying on him ....

well that is UNTIL NEXT YEAR.
This year was such a Great Success. I envy any parent who has the Opportunity to have there child attend this learning Center.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Just a update on us

Okay ..We are in our Final week of school.. Summer vacation has Jumped out of the bushes and totally caught me of guard. I have his Speech Therapy lined up for the Summer. I got VERY Lucky with that .Thanks to his wonderful God Sent teachers.. I also Planned on helping William become more Social this summer. So that's another project I'll be doing. I'm gonna Dedicate our Saturdays to either visiting Family and Friends or going to places I haven't yet ventured too. Also I'm still hell bent on getting the boy out of those Diapers. We sit on the potty and even wash our hands after wards but..Still no action.. ((sigh))Either way you look at it William has come a long way in just 8 months. Yeah sure we have had our UPS and DOWNS with him but what ASD child hasn't walked this very same road. It gets stressful and I'm just glad I have a loving and caring family " Who gets it " to support me in my journey. Here are a Few Pics of my Biggest Supporters. Williams Autism hasn't quite hit home with the rest of the crew but..were making progress..Baby steps. . . & I have hope.

Peas Carrots
My Sisters

Alisa, Hokie, Albert Reba
My sister in law, Brother in law, Nephew & Neice

My Cousins graduation 07 SEBH
My Family in Statesboro, Ga.

My Dad I
My Dad

William and His Nanna
My Mom


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Our latest achievement

Okay... So William's latest achievement is not being afraid of Running water. Before this past weekend Washing your hands was out of the question for him and running water while he was in the bath tub was just asking for trouble. It's the sound of the water running and the way it feels when it's on his skin that he doesn't like. He used to love water when he was a little thing. But now William is like a cat. He didn't like to get wet..That was until this Past weekend.
We had a incident last week at school that upset me enough to go to the Principal. I'm not going to go into detail because it's a solved problem now.. I will say that the running water had a lot to do with the incident and William wanting his way and not getting it. But that's life..
So I saw the running water was a problem we needed to over come and that was what I set out to do. I got his Pool out Friday and Filled it up. I put his bath toys in it and told William I was putting water in it. He said it's Rain.. Well..Yeah I guess he was right..So We got rain in the pool. But he didn't want to play in it..So I moved on to plan "B" . I got out the sprinkler Saturday and turned it on while we were outside playing. Once again.. William says..Rain.. Uh huh..I saw he was getting a little more curios over the sprinkler so I did the un thinkable. I scooped him up and we Darted threw the sprinkler. Heck No I didn't get wet..I might not be a spring Chicken anymore but I can move..LOL William though it was Funny.. So we kept dodging the sprinkler until he was finally ready to go inside for a quick drink. While he was inside I moved the sprinkler closer to his bed room window . I lined it up just right so it would wet his window . William has eagle ears and heard the water hitting his window. He loved that too and watched the water hit his window for almost 30 minutes straight..Then the Moment of truth.. It was bath time and I drew Williams bath for him and then like always he streaks threw the house hiding or shall I say attempting to hide from me because he thinks its funny and he knows he needs a bath. Once he got in the tub I asked him if he wanted to see rain..He said rain! I turned the cold water side on and let it drizzle.. He said More and "HE" turned it up as high as it would go and played in the running water for almost a hour. I had to let the water out the tub 4 times before he was finished. I don't think he's afraid anymore. So Monday at school His Wonderful teachers told me he washed his hands in the running water. Whoot Whoot..!

I can smile about this now but my water Bill is gonna be Sky High.. Owell.. My Baby is Happy and we fixed a Quirk thats all that matters... Now If I can just get his sleeping habits better we will be set for a little while anyways..

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Now Presenting No-Joe's Circus

Williams school invited the Circus to visit today. I was a little weary how William would react to the sounds, Lights and the crowd of people. But he LOVED it.. I got to the school early to get a good place to Hide. William hasn't grasp the idea of Mommy at staying at school with him. That's on Next school years to do list. So I found a good place behind two strollers. Perfect.. Then I sat and waited and watched for Williams class to walk in. I wanted to spot William before he saw me. After they walked in the lights went out the music started and the show began. The way they started was so intense it was enough to get every one's attention. Even Williams! He watched for a Solid hour as they juggled ball, Walked the Tight rope, Made a Puppy Balloon named orange, Turned Children into letters, Ran a Toilet Paper race with help from the children, Watched a EYE opening magic ball show, Did the Chicken Dance and saw the clowns balance a bike , two different sizes of a ladders and the list goes on and on to end the show the shot off a Rocket. High Fives to William for doing such a great job watching .
It was wonderful and William loved every single second of it . The flashing colored lights and Music were his Favorite .

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Vision Book

Okay.. So my Summer Project is to help William be more social. I've already started collecting photo's for his vision book. It was a great Idea his teacher mentioned to me earlier in the school year. (It's just a photo album he can view while we are visiting family or going off. So he has a visual idea where we are going) I'm just now getting around to following threw with the idea. I know better late then never night.. Well any whooo .. I used the school pictures to show him on this past Monday as we were going back to school from spring break. Ten days out of school had me worried how Day one would be. I was also afraid the time we got in the car he would be asking about Nuggets. So before he even had a chance to ask and before we even pulled out the driveway I showed him the picture of his school and his teachers.So he knew where we were going and he wasn't upset or worried about what was going to happen.

The Pictures worked well today too. I didn't tell William where we were going. I just showed him a Picture of Mcdonalds. Once we got his Nuggets I Decided out of nowhere to try the park. Just to see what William would do. As we were driving home I showed him a Picture of the slides at the playground near our house. He started to get really excited. He said he was ready. LOL Mission accomplished..

*** Plus Daddy was there so it made it even more exciting for him and I.***

See Dad this is how u do it..

Friday, April 17, 2009

Aww.. I killed my Decal

How the heck did I manage to do that? I made sure the car was clean before I stuck it on. Okay so I washed the car the next day..It still was on a clean area. It didn't fly off going down the interstate. It could have many times considering my lead foot syndrome. Yeah I'm seeing a Therapist for that. I was so proud of my Ribbon too. I put in on the drivers side. (IDK) I'm always in the slow lane. So I figured when those other drivers passed by me giving me the Evil eye they would have something nice to look at.. Or on the Days when I wanted people to see it I'd fly past them in the outside lane .By the time I got past them I could see them eye'n my ribbon.. See Mission Completed.
So Tuesday when I was outside washing the car I pulled the magnet off the door. Instead of placing it somewhere safe...I stuck it to Hubby's truck.. Everything was okay until I went to put it back on my car. The magnet got so hot that it actually pulled away from the sticker..WTH.. Instead of letting the sticker go to waste... I stuck it to my mail box. Yeah a little on the redneck side but.. it matches well and I'm more then likely the only person in the state of Georgia with a Autism Awareness Decal on their mail box..Yeah a Quick fix for that..I still had a ribbon shaped magnet stuck to the hubbys truck..Humm.. I ran cold water over it and pulled it off. It pulled a little bit of the paint off but..I fixxed it right on up with a clear coat of my nail polish and a marker.. Shuuu.... Don't tell him..He will never know..

Too Quick for me

William has been on Spring Break this week. Boy! oh Boy ! have I really been on my toes all week. He's gotten himself up every single day between 7:30 & 8:30.. Yeah no chances of Sleeping in. ((YAWN)) We get up get dressed, eat breakfast, go outside, go inside, watch some TV, eat lunch, take a nap, go back out side, inside for a snack, Play inside , eat dinner, bath time then nite nite time.. Gosh he's got me trained. I've been flipping things around too so when things don't quite go his way or this schedule he has put me on he doesn't seem to get too upset. I just tell him it's okay and we move on to something else.

Last night while William and I were in his room going threw his book drawer we found a alphabet book. It's the one with the letters that are magnetised and you can spell out words. I made his name and we were going threw the letters and saying what they were. When I got to the last letter he said "7". It totally caught me off guard. I counted the letters and guess what the "M" was.. yeah the 7Th letter in his name.. Duh!

Okay on to our potty training news.. we haven't officially went in the potty BUT...
I can get him to go on Demand in the Tub. All I have to do is get him standing in the tub about to get his bath and tell him "Okay pee pee in the water"..with in seconds it's niagera Falls. Now if I can just figure out a way for him to stand in front of the potty and do it. Maybe it's the sitting on the potty he's not into. Humm.. I'll get back to you guys on that one..

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring party

Williams class had there Spring Party yesterday. The kids had alot of fun. William did Okay Considering he wasn't on a Fixed Schedule yesterday. But life is not always a walk in the park.

MLC  Spring  Party
It's Snack time

Finding Eggs
Yeah I got one..

Looking for more eggs
looking for more Eggs with his Girl Friends..LOL

Yes he was mad.. too much going on for him.. aww..
He was ready to go when he saw me.