I knew a big crowd of people would be too much for him. However we did attend his classmates Birthday bash the day before and he did good for about 40 minutes then it was Hell !. He wanted all of the presents and the cake and started screaming. I felt like we were going to ruin his party so we thanked them all for inviting us and wished Happy Birthday to Michael and we were outta there.... But we went and tried it and that's all I know how to do..
His own party was much more pleasant. A smaller Crowd and his Own Cake and Presents. William enjoyed that so much. I put up a Birthday banner and asked William what it said..He told me "Happy Birthday".. I was a little star struck but I'm not surprised by how much stuff he really knows. He chooses to NOT show you all his knowledge unless he wants too. Typical male trait.. He enjoyed us singing Happy Birthday to him. He's been singing it to himself for four days now. . Along with the Itisy Bitisy Spider and Row ,row, row your boat.
But it was a Great Day and Weekend.

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