We had a incident last week at school that upset me enough to go to the Principal. I'm not going to go into detail because it's a solved problem now.. I will say that the running water had a lot to do with the incident and William wanting his way and not getting it. But that's life..
So I saw the running water was a problem we needed to over come and that was what I set out to do. I got his Pool out Friday and Filled it up. I put his bath toys in it and told William I was putting water in it. He said it's Rain.. Well..Yeah I guess he was right..So We got rain in the pool. But he didn't want to play in it..So I moved on to plan "B" . I got out the sprinkler Saturday and turned it on while we were outside playing. Once again.. William says..Rain.. Uh huh..I saw he was getting a little more curios over the sprinkler so I did the un thinkable. I scooped him up and we Darted threw the sprinkler. Heck No I didn't get wet..I might not be a spring Chicken anymore but I can move..LOL William though it was Funny.. So we kept dodging the sprinkler until he was finally ready to go inside for a quick drink. While he was inside I moved the sprinkler closer to his bed room window . I lined it up just right so it would wet his window . William has eagle ears and heard the water hitting his window. He loved that too and watched the water hit his window for almost 30 minutes straight..Then the Moment of truth.. It was bath time and I drew Williams bath for him and then like always he streaks threw the house hiding or shall I say attempting to hide from me because he thinks its funny and he knows he needs a bath. Once he got in the tub I asked him if he wanted to see rain..He said rain! I turned the cold water side on and let it drizzle.. He said More and "HE" turned it up as high as it would go and played in the running water for almost a hour. I had to let the water out the tub 4 times before he was finished. I don't think he's afraid anymore. So Monday at school His Wonderful teachers told me he washed his hands in the running water. Whoot Whoot..!
I can smile about this now but my water Bill is gonna be Sky High.. Owell.. My Baby is Happy and we fixed a Quirk thats all that matters... Now If I can just get his sleeping habits better we will be set for a little while anyways..

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