Well today is Williams first day back to school from his Fall Break. I hate to say this but..Boy I'm sure glad. ! He did extremely well over the break as far as his schedule goes. He kept me on my toes the entire time he was home. I had a feeling he would see how Much trouble he cold get into on this break. Whats that saying.."Boys will be Boys".. well I sure did get a sample of that..PHEW! ~ He put playdoh into my stereo. He wanted to make sure it was in their good so he rewinded it and the fast forwarded it in really good.. I had to move the entire system and put it into our storage building outside.. THEN... Yes their is more... We lock our doors w/ 3 locks.. a regular door lock, a dead bolt lock and a door latch on the very top of the door.. William pulled a chair from the kitchen table to the front door and attempted to reach the top lock in a attempt to make a mad dash out the door... He already had the bottom two un-locked and ready to go...UGH....William is also stronger then I give him credit for..He pulled my Computer tower out from the desk and pulled all the plugs out and poured sand into the back of the machine.. I had to take the entire tower apart and use a can of air to blow the sand out... Obviously it still works or I wouldn't be posting now..LOL..
But the good part about all of this is that...... He gowning as a Independent child. He's thinking for himself. Now some of his decisions haven't been very good.But he now knows he can't make those choices again.. But all in all he's my baby and I love him no matter how many things he tears up.. LOL !!~
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