Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our Dirt Eating Saga

As promised I'm gonna tell you guys about Williams Dirt eating Saga..

I finally got William to not be afraid to play in the sand. Little did I know that he would come to love sand. To love it so much he would rather eat it then food. Yeah the boy wanted to pass up a lovely cheese pizza for a ball of dirt. So I tried to trick him or lure him away from his dirt eating days buy getting him Pixi sticks. It's a sand texture which might be what he is hooked on. Yeah they are full of sugar but I wasn't worried about him bouncing off the walls. I was more concerned over low iron and his pediatrician giving me the "EVIL EYE" when I went to visit her. I tried to build up the courage to take William in to see her..But at the last minute I chickened out. Instead I called the nurse who suggested a easy fix..Poly-Vi-Sol . It's a liquid iron supplement & it also comes in the multi-vitamin form.

So we are on week #2 of this stuff. He doesn't fight me over it too much. He knows I'm gonna give him this stuff regardless if he wants it or not. Typical Mommy Duty here..So as a result ..His poor lil tummy is soo Upset & We are not eating as much dirt as we were. I hope this gets better soon.

With that medicine it is supposed to encourage "good" eating habits. I'm not sure how good they will be with a picky eater but I'm going to give it a shot.

Today I'm gonna try to trick him into eating green beans. I'm going to mash them up and attempt to hide them in his Pizza under the cheese.. Humm... I'm getting creative over here... Not alot to work with but pizza, Chicken nuggets, Rice, Scrambled eggs & grits but..I'm gonna fix him right on up..

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