Well today started off the same as the rest of the other days of school. Only today for some odd reason I was nervous. I spend two hours with William at school yesterday and got the feeling today was going to be a tear jerker. Boy was I in for a surprise. .After William Ditched me this am for Ms. Lindsey I went to do the normal morning running around.
I kept myself busy this morning trying not to look at the time. Finally when I did take a peek at the clock I panicked.. Oh lord I’m gonna be late. So I grabbed the car keys and a Umbrella. Yeah did I mention it was raining. Perfect weather for being late. I bolted safely down the street.
I got half way to school and realized.. Oh man I forgot to shave my legs and put on lotion. Perfect. Now I’m gonna be late and I’ve got legs that look like pine trees growing in a desert. I wouldn’t have payed it any attention but I wore Capri Pants. So I figured I can't shave but I could fix the dry skin issue with…... Liquid Hand Sanitizer. They would at least be Germ free right. LOL
I then realized I didn’t wash out Williams sippy or fill it with ice. Great I had to stop at the gas station and use their hot water tap on the coffee pot to wash it out. Then I filled it with Ice from the sods machine. I was thinking to myself. ”Lord just let me make it to the school in one piece.”
Finally I get to school a minute late and the school secretary Filled out my name tag as I signed myself in. She even knew I was late and helped me out. So I followed the principal to the classroom she was headed there herself to see. We walked in and the kids were dancing and have a great time. William sat quietly as everyone around him danced and clapped and cheered. Then one of his teachers asked him to Dance and he took off to her to get down and Boogie. William smiled from ear to ear. I was so Happy to see that too. Then he spotted me and that was the end of that. I told him we had to sit down and watch. He was okay with that and that’s what we did.
Then they Played a movie of the kids. The very first of the Movie was William saying the teachers names and the kids.. OMG pass the box of tissues.! I cried so hard after that. Every time I saw a picture of him with his little friends I Boo~Whooed even harder. The music they added to the picture slide show/ Movie didn’t help matters either.(I'm not sure who the aurthur is but it goes something like this..)
~~The wind is moving But I am standing still.
~~A life of pages waiting to be filled.
~~A heart that's Hopeful.
~~A head that full of dreams.
~~But this becoming is harder then it seems.
~~Feels like I'm.. looking for a reason.
~~Roaming threw the night to find my place in this world.
~~My place in this world
~~Not a lot to lean on.
~~I need your life to help me Find my place in this world,
~~My place in this world.
~~If there are Million's down on there knees
~~Among the many
~~Oh can you still hear me.
~~Hear me asking where do I belong .
~~Is there a Vision that I can call my Own
~~Show me..
~~I'm looking for a reason.
~~Roaming threw the night to find my place in this world.
~~My place in this world.
~~Not a lot to lean on.
~~I need your life to help me Find my place in this world,
~~My place in this world.
I’m still tearing up just thinking about it.
After the movie was over and all the parents gained their composure. We socialized, swapped email addresses, phone numbers and ate snacks. William sat with me and only fussed two times about getting his book bag. So when it was all over with and everyone said there tearful goodbyes we left.
I was okay until I passed the front gates of the school and then I cried some more. No more waking up at the butt crack of dawn to get William to school early so he could play, No more fights over putting on shoes and socks to go to school, No more arguments over the book bag, No more cute little art projects to hang on his walls, No more fussing over not taking off his jacket, No more fun party's to go to with him, No more annoying calls to the secretary to check on him & No more spying on him ....
well that is UNTIL NEXT YEAR.
This year was such a Great Success. I envy any parent who has the Opportunity to have there child attend this learning Center.

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