Okay.. So my Summer Project is to help William be more social. I've already started collecting photo's for his vision book. It was a great Idea his teacher mentioned to me earlier in the school year. (It's just a photo album he can view while we are visiting family or going off. So he has a visual idea where we are going) I'm just now getting around to following threw with the idea. I know better late then never night.. Well any whooo .. I used the school pictures to show him on this past Monday as we were going back to school from spring break. Ten days out of school had me worried how Day one would be. I was also afraid the time we got in the car he would be asking about Nuggets. So before he even had a chance to ask and before we even pulled out the driveway I showed him the picture of his school and his teachers.So he knew where we were going and he wasn't upset or worried about what was going to happen.
The Pictures worked well today too. I didn't tell William where we were going. I just showed him a Picture of Mcdonalds. Once we got his Nuggets I Decided out of nowhere to try the park. Just to see what William would do. As we were driving home I showed him a Picture of the slides at the playground near our house. He started to get really excited. He said he was ready. LOL Mission accomplished..
*** Plus Daddy was there so it made it even more exciting for him and I.***

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