WOW !! I had no idea William knew the names to not one, not two but fourteen different animals. Too me that's really good. Plus when Mrs.KK counted the ones he named William counted them too out loud all the way to 14. That's the first time he has counted for Mrs.KK also. I had no idea he knew so many animals. I knew he could name the basic ones ..Cow, Pig, Dog & Cat. I was dumbfounded when he correctly identified the Tiger, Kangaroo
, Gorilla
, Monkey, Bear , Polar bear, Dolphin, Turtle, ectra. I was even more surprised that he pointed out the different bears. One being a regular bear and the other being a Polar bear.. Wow ! I thought he would get stuck on the Monkey and Gorilla because they are kind of the same to me but..he didn't. . .
He's got all this knowledge it's amazingly SCAREY !
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