Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Picnic

Yesterday was a Good Day for us .. Even if we didn't spend it like we use to . William did at least get to see one set of Grandparents , one of his Aunts and one of his Uncles and Two of His cousins. So the day wasn't a complete flop. We arrived late and left Early.. We stayed a total of Maybe 15 minutes. The main thing was.. We were there! No we didn't get to spend the entire time sitting around talking with everyone but that's good. I don't like being in the middle of everyone's business any way. So it was a win win for us. We got to go plates and went home. All that good smelling food was hard to resist soo. We got a Blanket and had a Picnic right in the middle of the Living Room Floor. William had Chicken Nuggets and we had turkey and Dressing. I used the DVR to Record the Macys Thanksgiving Parade. Which we watched while we ate our Dinner. William absolute loved it. Every time he saw one of those big balloons he would say.. " WOW ! ! " .. " Look at that !" . Then the marching bands played music and they had some people singing. Williams loves music. so it was a good day. After a week of the Ups and Downs this was a Great way to End the Week. A what a perfect way to start our Own Family tradition. Thank you God for my Many Blessing and Our New way to spend the Holiday.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The worse 45 minutes I've ever had to sit threw

Today Williams class had there very own Thanksgiving Dinner. William woke up in a great mood. So I felt that he would have a great day..YEAH RIGHT.!.! Who was I Kidding. When I arrived I stood quietly outside the door and watched William before I made my entrance. He was sitting at the table by himself watching all the other kids in the class. It broke my heart to see him all alone so ..I went in and sat with him. That wasn't such a good idea..William grabbed his new schedule that Dr. Adams made for him and started pointing to the book bag. He thought it was time to go home. He thought that mommy was here to save the day and it was time to go home. Not today ..Sorry.. After I ignored his repeated request for his book bag he started to cry. So here we were.. The class is having a wonderful time singing there Thanksgiving songs and William and I are off to the right of the crowd and he is screaming his head off. It was all I could do to not give into him. William has a group of wonderful teachers in his class and they kept telling me.. Mom .. Your doing fine !! I have a hard time wanting to give into William every single time he wants things. BUT...I'm not the only one to blame. I'll take my fair share of it but not 100%. If I knew what I was causing by giving into him and allowing others to give into him It would have stopped a Very long time ago.. Today was a taste of my own medicine. I'm just upset that it was at Williams expense.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Chicken Nuggets for Thanksgiving Dinner.

Williams class is having there own Thanksgiving Dinner Tomorrow. I'll be attending this one. I chickend out with the one last week that the school had. I knew that William wouldn't do well with the Large amount of Parents and X-tra people Thursday. So .. I had my mind already made up that he wouldn't do well. So we didn't go. I think tomorrow will be a better day for everyone. It will be a smaller Crowd and familiar faces for William. Plus they are having..CHICKEN NUGGETS..Williams absolute Favorite meal in the entire world. So it's going to be a good day.

Not only that it will give me the chance to mingle with the other parents that have kids like mine.. It's nice to be able to have someone in the same boat as you. Someone you can relate to that understands why you do things a certain way. No one to judge you or ask you ridiculous questions. People that know what I live with because they are walking that same road too.. IT's nice to feel like your not alone......

What I'm Thankful for

I'm Thankful for people that Understand the TRUE meaning of The word Autism. It's not just a word that we toss around when our kids are acting up in Public. Or a Word we use as an Excuse why we don't attend all the family functions. It is what it is...!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Weighted Blanket

I've been debating on getting one of these for William to help him sleep. He has been piling all the pillows in the bed on himself and then falling peacefully to sleep. I've read a couple of blogs were parents have gotten these for there kids and now I'm wondering if I should try one out myself. The only thing is.. Where the heck do you get one. I'm sure if I got one on line shipping and handling would be doubled because its a Weighted blanket " Humm.. Comment me and let me know what you all think. ~Amanda

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our Hair cut day.

I've finally got Williams hair cut. I've been putting it off for a good 3 plus months. William doesn't do well with anything going on with his head .I mean nothing. No brushing , washing and defiantly no hair cuts. It has to be one of those sensory things he has. So last week I had to make the call to my hair dresser. I was tired of tucking his hair behind his ears. He has been pulling out his own hair too. So now he's got a little bald spot. So this was something that we needed to do before he plucked out very single stand of hair he had. So this morning after William went to school we made our way to Mrs.Robins house. But before we got there we made our daily stop at McDonalds. Yay for Chicken Nuggets. Then we were off. We got there on time. William was excited to get out the car.. He was happy up until he saw Mrs. Robins Two Big dogs. He started to squirm and ask for his book bag. He thinks if he gets his book bag he's about to leave. We did that this morning at school. So after we were inside we headed straight for the chair. We tried to get him to sit in the chair by himself but that wasn't going to happened. So I sat in the chair and he sat in my lap. He didn't kick this time. He did whine but he sat still for the most part of it. WOW... After he was done she told him God Job..He replied.. thanks.. Then she talked to him and he repeated what she said back to her but... He talked to her. He has never spoken to her. He did want her to wipe his face with the towel over and over again to get the hair off. Then he let her Hug him. Aww...Another PLUS + She said she could see a difference in him. The way he reacted towards her and how he even spoke to her blew her away.. Yay for School and the wonderful ladies that take care of my Baby..

~~~ I'll post a before and after pic soon. ~~~

Monday, November 10, 2008

Some Fall art work

William admiring his art work While sitting on top of his dresser. I have no clue how he managed to get up there.

Just some sponge painting they did at school.

We collected Leaves and sent them to school. This is what they did with them.

The Noodle name..

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Our Productive week.

Williams had a very productive week. I was a little worried with Daylight savings time. William did okay with the adjustment on Monday.It went right along just like any other day. Tuesday was a little better. I was a little stressed out. As Tuesday was the day our fellow Us citizens decided our Country's Future. So I made sure we were at school on time. So I could go stand in line to cast my ballot. Wednesday was an eye opener for William. His class does OT on Wednesday and Thursday and Speech on Monday and Tuesday. Their school has a Huge indoor Play area. They have a ball pit and a little basket ball goal just for them & Williams Favorite an indoor swing. While the class was in the gym William was on the swing with one of his three teachers. Then another little girl wanted to swing too.. William didn't want to share the swing with her but...He did.. He sat next too her but he wouldn't look at her.Then if that wasn't enough William followed her to the ball pit. He was playing in the balls with the same little girl and another little boy. I was so proud of him. Usually this kind of information comes from his teacher. But not today. Another parent told me what she saw.. She was so happy too see this dramatic change. She was also at the Festival and saw what a hard time William was having. I was so happy to hear the good gossip and I gave her a hugg for telling me. Awww... Thursday wasn't a good day. Daylight savings time finally hit us. William fell asleep during circle time and the teacher called me to come get him..Poor baby had such a good week. He was just so sleepy. But other then that I'm glad it went as well as it did..

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the support.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall Fesival

Williams Class had there Fall Festival Last Thursday. All the Little kids got dressed up as there favorite cartoon character or action hero. Not my William he refused to wear any costume this year. So.. I didn't want to make him feel left out. So I got creative and made him a shirt... William didn't fuss over it he actually wore it the entire time with out pulling at it.

The school staff put together all kinds of games just for the Children to use during the festival. They had a Bowling booth, A Fishing Booth, A jump rope booth, A coloring booth and a Reading booth. Williams class enjoyed each game except for William. He wanted no part of this whole exciting day. The kids scared him because they were wearing costumes. The teachers were dressed up too. So that didn't help matters either. Williams teacher were dressed up as the Three little pigs and the speech teacher was the Big bad wolf. So that scared him. I felt so sad for him. I was there but I wasn't right up underneath him. I actually stood back and watched how he reacted to everyone before I let my presents be known to William. I knew he would want to leave the second he saw me. I greeted him and the next two words he said were..I ready ! I told him no we had to go sit down. So we went and sat at waited for the Witches Brew skit to begin. The Directors told a story of the witches brew. They let a few kids come up to add stuff to there big black pumpkin pot. They added pretzels (dried bones), raisins ( Bat brains), Marsh mellows ( frog eyes), Cheerios ( snake skin ),
m & m ( monster fingers ) . Then they sang the witches brew song and the children were allowed to come get a treat bag filed with the witches brew. After that was done and over with We walked the halls so the other children could see there costumes. This was a big step for William. I was so afraid he would flip out with all the children screaming and cheering. But.... He did well. I think he knew we were headed for the doors to leave.. Once we got back to his class we got his book bag and left before the day was even over with. He was in such a hurry to leave we left his lunch box. I'm was just glad that day was over with and behind us.