William Ordered a Cake. Not in so many words but I got the picture. I wanted to reward him for attempting to communicate . So this is what he came home from school to find waiting of him. The first thing he took off were the Eggs. I left off the sprinkles so he could put them on himself once he saw his cake needed them. That was the very next thing he wanted to do. He handed me the jar of sprinkles and said Open. He shook the jar over his cake a couple of time. Then he says Clean up. I know that lingo very well. He sat there for a few minutes then... those Famous words that I Truly love more then Chocolate " WOW LOOK AT THAT ". !
I smiled and he smiled. I love that Little guy sooo Much.. MUAH !
Oh, my! That was beautiful!
Yes I can get creative..LOL.. Martha Stewart in training here..LOL
Hey well done on the cake!!!! That looks awesome!!! Though not quite as awesome as all the communiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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