William has had yet another virus. I'm beginning to think I know how to cure them better then the Doctors do.
:::Fluids, Tylenol as needed and let it run it's course:::
I'm so sick of hearing these directions to. I just want to say..Hello Dr. Read the boys chart this isn't his first rodeo. Most of these "Doctors " just want to get us in and out. For God's sake can we please get a antibiotic. It might not be the correct procedure but I want Drug's for my kid...I've gone threw the last 2 virus's with him and that isn't fun. Cure us or I'll fix it myself..Geesh !!
William did go back to school today. He'll only get two days this week and then next week is Spring break, Yeah very productive. I feel his sickness is cheating him out of learning. Maybe I need to stress that to these know it all, God syndrome Doctors out there. .
Okay on to a Happier NOTE ::
I got a Autism Awareness Pin this morning. I wasn't expecting it either. I also wasn't expecting to get it from the person I did too. So I cried when I saw it. To know that threw all the trials and tribulations that she and her family are facing, she still had enough in her heart to think of us and what we face Day to Day. That means soo much to me.
Here is a link to there story and then you will understand why this touched my heart so much.
Yeah WTF indeed.
Egg got nothing from the docs, just keep up the calpol, gah.
hey amanda, you are doing such a great job with william. keep up the good work. love and prayers jan hightower
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