Williams school invited the Circus to visit today. I was a little weary how William would react to the sounds, Lights and the crowd of people. But he LOVED it.. I got to the school early to get a good place to Hide. William hasn't grasp the idea of Mommy at staying at school with him. That's on Next school years to do list. So I found a good place behind two strollers. Perfect.. Then I sat and waited and watched for Williams class to walk in. I wanted to spot William before he saw me. After they walked in the lights went out the music started and the show began. The way they started was so intense it was enough to get every one's attention. Even Williams! He watched for a Solid hour as they juggled ball, Walked the Tight rope, Made a Puppy Balloon named orange, Turned Children into letters, Ran a Toilet Paper race with help from the children, Watched a EYE opening magic ball show, Did the Chicken Dance and saw the clowns balance a bike , two different sizes of a ladders and the list goes on and on to end the show the shot off a Rocket. High Fives to William for doing such a great job watching .
It was wonderful and William loved every single second of it . The flashing colored lights and Music were his Favorite .
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Vision Book
Okay.. So my Summer Project is to help William be more social. I've already started collecting photo's for his vision book. It was a great Idea his teacher mentioned to me earlier in the school year. (It's just a photo album he can view while we are visiting family or going off. So he has a visual idea where we are going) I'm just now getting around to following threw with the idea. I know better late then never night.. Well any whooo .. I used the school pictures to show him on this past Monday as we were going back to school from spring break. Ten days out of school had me worried how Day one would be. I was also afraid the time we got in the car he would be asking about Nuggets. So before he even had a chance to ask and before we even pulled out the driveway I showed him the picture of his school and his teachers.So he knew where we were going and he wasn't upset or worried about what was going to happen.
The Pictures worked well today too. I didn't tell William where we were going. I just showed him a Picture of Mcdonalds. Once we got his Nuggets I Decided out of nowhere to try the park. Just to see what William would do. As we were driving home I showed him a Picture of the slides at the playground near our house. He started to get really excited. He said he was ready. LOL Mission accomplished..
*** Plus Daddy was there so it made it even more exciting for him and I.***

The Pictures worked well today too. I didn't tell William where we were going. I just showed him a Picture of Mcdonalds. Once we got his Nuggets I Decided out of nowhere to try the park. Just to see what William would do. As we were driving home I showed him a Picture of the slides at the playground near our house. He started to get really excited. He said he was ready. LOL Mission accomplished..
*** Plus Daddy was there so it made it even more exciting for him and I.***

Friday, April 17, 2009
Aww.. I killed my Decal
How the heck did I manage to do that? I made sure the car was clean before I stuck it on. Okay so I washed the car the next day..It still was on a clean area. It didn't fly off going down the interstate. It could have many times considering my lead foot syndrome. Yeah I'm seeing a Therapist for that. I was so proud of my Ribbon too. I put in on the drivers side. (IDK) I'm always in the slow lane. So I figured when those other drivers passed by me giving me the Evil eye they would have something nice to look at.. Or on the Days when I wanted people to see it I'd fly past them in the outside lane .By the time I got past them I could see them eye'n my ribbon.. See Mission Completed.
So Tuesday when I was outside washing the car I pulled the magnet off the door. Instead of placing it somewhere safe...I stuck it to Hubby's truck.. Everything was okay until I went to put it back on my car. The magnet got so hot that it actually pulled away from the sticker..WTH.. Instead of letting the sticker go to waste... I stuck it to my mail box. Yeah a little on the redneck side but.. it matches well and I'm more then likely the only person in the state of Georgia with a Autism Awareness Decal on their mail box..Yeah a Quick fix for that..I still had a ribbon shaped magnet stuck to the hubbys truck..Humm.. I ran cold water over it and pulled it off. It pulled a little bit of the paint off but..I fixxed it right on up with a clear coat of my nail polish and a marker.. Shuuu.... Don't tell him..He will never know..
So Tuesday when I was outside washing the car I pulled the magnet off the door. Instead of placing it somewhere safe...I stuck it to Hubby's truck.. Everything was okay until I went to put it back on my car. The magnet got so hot that it actually pulled away from the sticker..WTH.. Instead of letting the sticker go to waste... I stuck it to my mail box. Yeah a little on the redneck side but.. it matches well and I'm more then likely the only person in the state of Georgia with a Autism Awareness Decal on their mail box..Yeah a Quick fix for that..I still had a ribbon shaped magnet stuck to the hubbys truck..Humm.. I ran cold water over it and pulled it off. It pulled a little bit of the paint off but..I fixxed it right on up with a clear coat of my nail polish and a marker.. Shuuu.... Don't tell him..He will never know..
Too Quick for me
William has been on Spring Break this week. Boy! oh Boy ! have I really been on my toes all week. He's gotten himself up every single day between 7:30 & 8:30.. Yeah no chances of Sleeping in. ((YAWN)) We get up get dressed, eat breakfast, go outside, go inside, watch some TV, eat lunch, take a nap, go back out side, inside for a snack, Play inside , eat dinner, bath time then nite nite time.. Gosh he's got me trained. I've been flipping things around too so when things don't quite go his way or this schedule he has put me on he doesn't seem to get too upset. I just tell him it's okay and we move on to something else.
Last night while William and I were in his room going threw his book drawer we found a alphabet book. It's the one with the letters that are magnetised and you can spell out words. I made his name and we were going threw the letters and saying what they were. When I got to the last letter he said "7". It totally caught me off guard. I counted the letters and guess what the "M" was.. yeah the 7Th letter in his name.. Duh!
Okay on to our potty training news.. we haven't officially went in the potty BUT...
I can get him to go on Demand in the Tub. All I have to do is get him standing in the tub about to get his bath and tell him "Okay pee pee in the water"..with in seconds it's niagera Falls. Now if I can just figure out a way for him to stand in front of the potty and do it. Maybe it's the sitting on the potty he's not into. Humm.. I'll get back to you guys on that one..
Last night while William and I were in his room going threw his book drawer we found a alphabet book. It's the one with the letters that are magnetised and you can spell out words. I made his name and we were going threw the letters and saying what they were. When I got to the last letter he said "7". It totally caught me off guard. I counted the letters and guess what the "M" was.. yeah the 7Th letter in his name.. Duh!
Okay on to our potty training news.. we haven't officially went in the potty BUT...
I can get him to go on Demand in the Tub. All I have to do is get him standing in the tub about to get his bath and tell him "Okay pee pee in the water"..with in seconds it's niagera Falls. Now if I can just figure out a way for him to stand in front of the potty and do it. Maybe it's the sitting on the potty he's not into. Humm.. I'll get back to you guys on that one..
Friday, April 10, 2009
Spring party
Williams class had there Spring Party yesterday. The kids had alot of fun. William did Okay Considering he wasn't on a Fixed Schedule yesterday. But life is not always a walk in the park.
It's Snack time

Yeah I got one..

looking for more Eggs with his Girl Friends..LOL

He was ready to go when he saw me.
It's Snack time
Yeah I got one..
looking for more Eggs with his Girl Friends..LOL
He was ready to go when he saw me.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Virus ~vs~ Us again

William has had yet another virus. I'm beginning to think I know how to cure them better then the Doctors do.
:::Fluids, Tylenol as needed and let it run it's course:::
I'm so sick of hearing these directions to. I just want to say..Hello Dr. Read the boys chart this isn't his first rodeo. Most of these "Doctors " just want to get us in and out. For God's sake can we please get a antibiotic. It might not be the correct procedure but I want Drug's for my kid...I've gone threw the last 2 virus's with him and that isn't fun. Cure us or I'll fix it myself..Geesh !!
William did go back to school today. He'll only get two days this week and then next week is Spring break, Yeah very productive. I feel his sickness is cheating him out of learning. Maybe I need to stress that to these know it all, God syndrome Doctors out there. .
Okay on to a Happier NOTE ::
I got a Autism Awareness Pin this morning. I wasn't expecting it either. I also wasn't expecting to get it from the person I did too. So I cried when I saw it. To know that threw all the trials and tribulations that she and her family are facing, she still had enough in her heart to think of us and what we face Day to Day. That means soo much to me.
Here is a link to there story and then you will understand why this touched my heart so much.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
At Williams Request
William Ordered a Cake. Not in so many words but I got the picture. I wanted to reward him for attempting to communicate . So this is what he came home from school to find waiting of him. The first thing he took off were the Eggs. I left off the sprinkles so he could put them on himself once he saw his cake needed them. That was the very next thing he wanted to do. He handed me the jar of sprinkles and said Open. He shook the jar over his cake a couple of time. Then he says Clean up. I know that lingo very well. He sat there for a few minutes then... those Famous words that I Truly love more then Chocolate " WOW LOOK AT THAT ". !
I smiled and he smiled. I love that Little guy sooo Much.. MUAH !
I smiled and he smiled. I love that Little guy sooo Much.. MUAH !

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
MY Brilliant Kid
Once again my little Guy has me in just plain AHHHHH... Last night before bed time, I was sitting at the table working on the bills. William plays in my pots and pans all the time. So hearing him clink them together was a normal sound. Tonight was different. Instead of sounding like a Big mouse in the cabinet he decided to bring me
~ The Blender ~ The Mixing Bowl & a Cake pan. Now it doesn't take a Rocket scientist to figure out what he wanted to make. If It wasn't almost bed time I would have given in. So I told him tomorrow we would make his cake. He got upset at first but..Once he realized that I wasn't changing my mind he forgot all about that cake. I have to give him credit..He might not have said Momma lets bake a cake. Instead he got all that stuff out and let me know what he wanted in his own little way. Brilliant huh. !!
Speaking of Cakes... one of the High schools in our Area is having a Autism Awareness Night.( 4/21/09 )They are going to have a couple of guest speakers and even a Young Man who is on the spectrum.. The director asked that I send a Photo of William along with the entry form. The Students are going to make banners using the Pictures. So I sent them the one with him and his cake. LOL. William will get a free T-Shirt. I ordered one myself too. Also too the money they collect will go towards ID bracelets for the children that are NON-Verbal. What a better way to spend 10$.
~ The Blender ~ The Mixing Bowl & a Cake pan. Now it doesn't take a Rocket scientist to figure out what he wanted to make. If It wasn't almost bed time I would have given in. So I told him tomorrow we would make his cake. He got upset at first but..Once he realized that I wasn't changing my mind he forgot all about that cake. I have to give him credit..He might not have said Momma lets bake a cake. Instead he got all that stuff out and let me know what he wanted in his own little way. Brilliant huh. !!
Speaking of Cakes... one of the High schools in our Area is having a Autism Awareness Night.( 4/21/09 )They are going to have a couple of guest speakers and even a Young Man who is on the spectrum.. The director asked that I send a Photo of William along with the entry form. The Students are going to make banners using the Pictures. So I sent them the one with him and his cake. LOL. William will get a free T-Shirt. I ordered one myself too. Also too the money they collect will go towards ID bracelets for the children that are NON-Verbal. What a better way to spend 10$.
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