Monday, March 16, 2009

Green Day

Today was Green Day in Williams Class. Williams favorite color is green. So when I got the memo on Thursday to send our kido's to school on Monday wearing Green I was excited. Unlike most kids William has several different Green shirts to choose from. LOL. Then the weekend hit and it was bad news back to back. First it was a Dear friend of the Family's mother who passed and then it was my Own Grand Mother in law who only has a few more weeks to live. So Monday wasn't such a good Day for William. He didn't get to wear his green shirt to school and eat green cookies and drink green Juice. Instead he was stuck here with Nanna & Poppa While Dad and I Attended the Funeral. I felt bad that William didn't get to Enjoy the Green Day Festivities so.... I bought a Cake and some Icing and we baked a Cake.

William watched as I poured all the ingredients into the mixing bowl. He was so Funny .He went to his room and got his chair from the table in his room to sit in and watch as I made his cake. He was okay until I started with the blender. Then he took off like a rocket. ((Sensory)) He soon returned once I finished with the mixer. He watched as I poured the batter into the pan. I told him it had to cook and we would check on it later. So to take up some time we played with... Green Play-doh.. He didn't like play~doh until a few weeks ago (MLC Staff). I bought him some just so he would get used to having stuff on his hands and understand it was okay. We made green snakes and I made a train . William thought that was the neatest thing. When he got tired of the play~doh we cleaned it up and he let me wipe his hands clean. Before I decided to make the cake I cooked his dinner. So while we waited for the cake to finish cooking William and I ate Chicken Nuggets, Pizza & a Bannah. Not your typical meal but he's eating. Then finally the moment of truth arrived. The Cake was done and I had to get it out the oven and let it cool before we could put the icing on it.
I asked William if he was to see the cake..He ran to the kitchen and I picked him up and I pointed to the cake cooling on the counter. He said. "WOW..Look at that" He was so excited over his Cake. After about a good 45 minutes of cooling William and I added the icing and his sprinkles .I had to put some Green Icing on it. William didn't want me putting anything else on his cake. He thinks all cakes need sprinkles and nothing else But Once I showed him what I was adding he was even happier with it.

I'm so Glad he loves the Simple things in life. Even if Our Cake looks like a Big Donut he still loves it.

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