After I thought for sure we were done with this cold/ Flu symptoms I go and catch it. I'm the mommy..there is no such thing as me getting sick. Yeah right. It was all I could do just to make myself get up Monday and take William to school. I slept most of the day away. So I'm guilty for letting William slip on the potty sitting and cleaning up after himself. But today is a new day I'm up and chipper and feeling some better. I took William to school . He was a smidgen late because he didn't want to get dressed. Once he saw I wasn't going to let him win the fight over putting on his socks he gave in to the rest of his cloths. It was smooth sailing after that. We got to school I bypassed the office and took him right to his class before he got any ideas about throwing a fit. After I dropped him off I went back to the office to sign him in late.Then I headed back to his class. I wanted to tell his teacher that he wasn't in a good mood this morning and I didn't know if he was getting sick again. I made it half way down the Hall and I could hear him getting upset over his book bag and Jacket. I ducked into the Nurses office and thought I'd wait there until the coast was clear. Nope William was still yelling over his Jacket and Book bag. He didn't want to take off his jacket or put his book bag where it is supposed to go. So instead of interfering with the progress they are making I asked the nurse to send a message to the teacher I would check on him later . I went and ran my errands and then came back home.I called the scholl and he was fine. So I cleaned a little, Did some yard work and then it was time to go get my Sweet William.
At about 10 minutes till 12 I could here his teacher laughing and then I could hear little feet running down the hall.. Yep there was my William and one of his teachers. He was happy and ready to "gocar" as he says it. He handed me the keys and says "ready". Today turned out to be a good Day after all for him.
I think tomorrow we will be a interesting Day. I'm not going to let him wear his Jacket. I'll put it in his book bag and lets see how he does. It won't be too cold in the am. Maybe in the low 60's. So this might be the Jacket breaker Day for him. LOL. He flips out when things aren't just right. When he has one of those Days I just tell him..Your Okay. ! It's all Right. Sometime I can here him saying that to himself during the Day as he is playing. So I know he gets it. Things just take a little longer to set in for him. But we are still doing well..
OH..Before I ramble on onto something else....William is walking to class with one of the speech teachers. Tuesday as I walked up to her under the breezeway I asked if she wanted me to take him to class since she was alone and she said she could walk him. I let Williams had go and he grabbed her's and they were off.. He didn't even look back. This was after being out of school for a week too... WAHOO