Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Leaves, IEP's and a trip to the Potty

William had my tickle Box going this weekend. Which isn't very hard when it comes to him. He is learning so much about himself every single day. As you guys read in my last post I cut Williams hair. Well he likes to rubb his head now and feel those prickly hairs against his hand. He looked at himself in the mirror after it was all said and done and said " WOW Look at that !" too Funny I know but what he did that afternoon really had me giggling like a little girl . We were sitting on the floor in his room and I was organizing his books (typical OCD Mother). He sat down beside me and started to stroke my hair. I was like aww he's being sweet. Welp the next thing I knew he says to me in a puzzling look ..Leaves.? as if I'm some type of tree and I've got Leaves for hair. He rubbed his own head again and said leaves. I wanted to correct him but I couldn't . I could only smile and Giggle. It's soo cute that he is trying to figure things out on his own.

I've read a couple of the other ASD families bloggs and there kids say the funniest things too. It's like they have there own words for things. The main thing is they are trying to make sense of it all by there selves. All good signs I guess even if he thinks I've got leaves for hair. Ha !

Other then my new DO.. We have a up comming IEP meeting. "" this will be #1"" for us. I have a feeling it might go well just by what the teachers have been telling me about how well he is doing when I pick him up from school. I'm gonna take Dad to this visit so he can see for himself whats going on. He hasn't really been all gung ho like I have over William going to school. He is scared that William will be treated bad. Typical over protective parent. I keep telling him that times have changed since he was in school. So he will see things as I do at that meeting.

Before I forget.
*** William actually sat on the potty at school and tried to go potty in it ***
Thanks to the help of the other PSI teacher Mrs. Cindy. I was thrilled over that I didn't care who had him sitting on it. So I've got Williams potty Chair back out and I'm atempting the potty training again. I can't give up on him now.. So wish us luck. If any one has any special tricks that might help us out let me know. The water trick doesn't work with william or it hasn't yet.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog. My name is Carol and my son, Joey, is about the same age as William and has high functioning autism. We are struggling with potty training also. He has sat on the potty a few times at school recently but has been refusing to sit on it at home. I am trying to get my DH to teach him the "sink the cheerio"
trick the way only a man can teach lol. Anyway, good luck with William and if you would like to "chat" my e-mail addy is CPL160@aol.com

Casdok said...


Good luck with the potty training. Wish i did have some tricks for you.

" JUST US " said...

Well were in week #2 with this and I've took the seat off the little Potty Chair and moved it onto the reguler Potty. I floded the little Chairs lid down and it's now a step for us. I have told my DH
(lol) to not DARE step foot in that restroom. Good thing we have two in our house. we still don't have any action goin on but..He's sitting on it.