Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Good and The Bad

What is that old Saying" you got to take the good with the bad". Well how ever that is said I think I know what the meaning is now. Thursday William had a GREAT Day. He is learning so much and he learned he had to have his book bag before he was able to leave school. So while the teacher and William were on the way to his class they pass the front office. Which is always where William knows I'll be waiting on him at. Instead of the teacher and William going to the class first to get his stuff they stopped and talked to me. William knew he had to get his book bag and he darted off down the hallway towards the classroom ..Yes by himself. We didn't see him we heard him since he still had his lunch box and all his snacks were bouncing against one another. He got his very own book bag and then came back to us. I panicked a little but then realized what he was doing. Smart kid huh. !!
They Friday was a little different we got up at out normal time and William knew we didn't have school that day because I wasn't making him get up and get dressed. Saturday was the same along with Sunday. Monday was a hard day for him. He knew that he usually goes to school on Monday. I had to run a few errands .William likes the bank suckers so I didn't drive past their so he would make a big fuss over it. I took a short cut threw a neighborhood. We went to Mcdonalds to get those McNuggets has has to have. Then I made the mistake of driving down the same Hwy that we use to go to his school. I pulled into the Dollar General store and William started screaming..SCHOOL SCHOOL !! I thought OMG He wants to go to school now. Any other time I have to drag him to school. I ignored him and told him Tomorrow. That wasn't good enough for him. He wanted to go right then and there. I told him we were gonna ride in the buggy. So then he went quietly inside the store. William thought that everything on the shelves had to be inside the buggy. He put Light Bulbs (?),chips, cookie's, crackers & cereal into that poor buggy. I felt so sorry for him that once we got to the check out I had no choice but buy all that stuff. Yeah I gave in.. But on a Positive note..** I have managed to get him to let me clip his nails and I even buzzed his hair this weekend. So Monday wasn't a complete loss. Just a Down him slope that I'll over come..One day **

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