William had my tickle Box going this weekend. Which isn't very hard when it comes to him. He is learning so much about himself every single day. As you guys read in my last post I cut Williams hair. Well he likes to rubb his head now and feel those prickly hairs against his hand. He looked at himself in the mirror after it was all said and done and said " WOW Look at that !" too Funny I know but what he did that afternoon really had me giggling like a little girl . We were sitting on the floor in his room and I was organizing his books (typical OCD Mother). He sat down beside me and started to stroke my hair. I was like aww he's being sweet. Welp the next thing I knew he says to me in a puzzling look ..Leaves.? as if I'm some type of tree and I've got Leaves for hair. He rubbed his own head again and said leaves. I wanted to correct him but I couldn't . I could only smile and Giggle. It's soo cute that he is trying to figure things out on his own.
I've read a couple of the other ASD families bloggs and there kids say the funniest things too. It's like they have there own words for things. The main thing is they are trying to make sense of it all by there selves. All good signs I guess even if he thinks I've got leaves for hair. Ha !
Other then my new DO.. We have a up comming IEP meeting. "" this will be #1"" for us. I have a feeling it might go well just by what the teachers have been telling me about how well he is doing when I pick him up from school. I'm gonna take Dad to this visit so he can see for himself whats going on. He hasn't really been all gung ho like I have over William going to school. He is scared that William will be treated bad. Typical over protective parent. I keep telling him that times have changed since he was in school. So he will see things as I do at that meeting.
Before I forget.
*** William actually sat on the potty at school and tried to go potty in it ***
Thanks to the help of the other PSI teacher Mrs. Cindy. I was thrilled over that I didn't care who had him sitting on it. So I've got Williams potty Chair back out and I'm atempting the potty training again. I can't give up on him now.. So wish us luck. If any one has any special tricks that might help us out let me know. The water trick doesn't work with william or it hasn't yet.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Good and The Bad
What is that old Saying" you got to take the good with the bad". Well how ever that is said I think I know what the meaning is now. Thursday William had a GREAT Day. He is learning so much and he learned he had to have his book bag before he was able to leave school. So while the teacher and William were on the way to his class they pass the front office. Which is always where William knows I'll be waiting on him at. Instead of the teacher and William going to the class first to get his stuff they stopped and talked to me. William knew he had to get his book bag and he darted off down the hallway towards the classroom ..Yes by himself. We didn't see him we heard him since he still had his lunch box and all his snacks were bouncing against one another. He got his very own book bag and then came back to us. I panicked a little but then realized what he was doing. Smart kid huh. !!
They Friday was a little different we got up at out normal time and William knew we didn't have school that day because I wasn't making him get up and get dressed. Saturday was the same along with Sunday. Monday was a hard day for him. He knew that he usually goes to school on Monday. I had to run a few errands .William likes the bank suckers so I didn't drive past their so he would make a big fuss over it. I took a short cut threw a neighborhood. We went to Mcdonalds to get those McNuggets has has to have. Then I made the mistake of driving down the same Hwy that we use to go to his school. I pulled into the Dollar General store and William started screaming..SCHOOL SCHOOL !! I thought OMG He wants to go to school now. Any other time I have to drag him to school. I ignored him and told him Tomorrow. That wasn't good enough for him. He wanted to go right then and there. I told him we were gonna ride in the buggy. So then he went quietly inside the store. William thought that everything on the shelves had to be inside the buggy. He put Light Bulbs (?),chips, cookie's, crackers & cereal into that poor buggy. I felt so sorry for him that once we got to the check out I had no choice but buy all that stuff. Yeah I gave in.. But on a Positive note..** I have managed to get him to let me clip his nails and I even buzzed his hair this weekend. So Monday wasn't a complete loss. Just a Down him slope that I'll over come..One day **
They Friday was a little different we got up at out normal time and William knew we didn't have school that day because I wasn't making him get up and get dressed. Saturday was the same along with Sunday. Monday was a hard day for him. He knew that he usually goes to school on Monday. I had to run a few errands .William likes the bank suckers so I didn't drive past their so he would make a big fuss over it. I took a short cut threw a neighborhood. We went to Mcdonalds to get those McNuggets has has to have. Then I made the mistake of driving down the same Hwy that we use to go to his school. I pulled into the Dollar General store and William started screaming..SCHOOL SCHOOL !! I thought OMG He wants to go to school now. Any other time I have to drag him to school. I ignored him and told him Tomorrow. That wasn't good enough for him. He wanted to go right then and there. I told him we were gonna ride in the buggy. So then he went quietly inside the store. William thought that everything on the shelves had to be inside the buggy. He put Light Bulbs (?),chips, cookie's, crackers & cereal into that poor buggy. I felt so sorry for him that once we got to the check out I had no choice but buy all that stuff. Yeah I gave in.. But on a Positive note..** I have managed to get him to let me clip his nails and I even buzzed his hair this weekend. So Monday wasn't a complete loss. Just a Down him slope that I'll over come..One day **
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Okay we are doing something Different and Yeah you guessed it William has not liked it..Until this morning. In the mornings when we get to school the Children are allowed to be dropped off under the breezeway and the school staff makes sure the children get to there class safely. I wasn't to big on the idea of dumping off my baby and the driving away while I saw him kicking and screaming in the rear view mirror. William is used to mommy walking him to class and so was I. So..I put my very own twist on things we walk to the breezeway and then he walks with the teacher to his class. A little Different but still the same effect. With things being done different this week I have also mastered getting him to wear his book bag into school and to walk and not be carried to the breezway. Dang..That's three for three..
We're kicking butt. lol
I'm also on a roll with trying to learn some basic sign language. Unfortunately I only know a few and one is bad. lol . Williams speech teacher gave me some ones that they used in school and Williams Classroom teacher is going to loan me a book to use. I'm not trying to be able to sign a complete book or anything I just want to learn the basic stuff. Mostly to re enforce what they are doing in school . William gets upset at times when he can't tell me what he would like or want so i hope this will teach him how to express himself. With this also being another form of communication it's a win win for us.
We're kicking butt. lol
I'm also on a roll with trying to learn some basic sign language. Unfortunately I only know a few and one is bad. lol . Williams speech teacher gave me some ones that they used in school and Williams Classroom teacher is going to loan me a book to use. I'm not trying to be able to sign a complete book or anything I just want to learn the basic stuff. Mostly to re enforce what they are doing in school . William gets upset at times when he can't tell me what he would like or want so i hope this will teach him how to express himself. With this also being another form of communication it's a win win for us.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Please and Thank You
Welp lets see.. This week has started off okay. William has become a little chatter box at school .He talks and says things when he wants to do it. He has already pegged the people that will make him do things and the ones that let him get away with it.. Yeah you guessed it..I'm on the Bad list. LOL. He may not like doing things I ask of him but..it's all part of me being the Parent and the Adult. Dad's a push over and William can see that and he capitalizes on it alot. William is smarter then we give him credit for too. Over the Christmas Holiday William sang to me the whole time.."if your Happy & you know it". I also got him to tell me his name and that he was 4 years old. He also told me Good job when I did things he liked. LOL. They do a lot of Praise at school so.. He felt he needed to Praise Mommy for taking him to Mc Donalds. He says Bless you if you sneeze and Thank you if you blow him kisses. I've gotten Please out of him only a few times. What is amazing to me is that. He uses these words and knows the Full meaning of them.. That is something I felt that he would never do. . . I'm so very Grateful for his teachers. For a Child that has never left Mommies side he is doing Wonderful. I'm very impressed with theses Ladies at his school.. WTG Marlow Learning Center. WAHOO !!

Saturday, January 3, 2009
We did it !
Yesterday I decided to take William with me to go run my errands. I was a little on the nervous side because I normally don't take him with me when I go out . I just kept telling myself that..If he gets upset and starts screaming that I'll bite off the first persons head that says anything..LOL.. So with my confidence in my back pocket I was off and running. We went and picked up my paycheck . William met all the people I work with. He didn't get upset about being in a strange place or start freaking out either. =) I was so pleased too. I told myself okay.. He did good here I'm going to try and see what he will do if I go into the power bill office. I normally drop off my payment in the drop box because I'm always in a hurry. So today I went inside. I was afraid there would be a line 2 miles long but today we got lucky. We only had 5 people in front of us and 3 windows open. We got in line and William started looking around and said " WOW..Look at that !!" One of the cashiers had not taken her Christmas lights down yet and William Spotted them right away. So the lights kept him content until it was our turn at the window. Once they called us to the window I made William stand beside me so I could handle our bill. I held Williams hand and I told him" I got you.. Your okay" . He was okay with that and stood there quietly by my side. The lady even gave him a sucker his absolute favorite thing in the entire world. As we were walking out I told him he did a good job. He says" Thanks" . So as a reward we went to the Bank to deposit my Check and get him another Red Sucker. lol
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