This week was a good Week for William. It's started off a little on the rough side. He didn't sleep good Sunday night so he didn't go to school on Monday. Tuesday was the hard day. William is used to Mommy caring him down the hall to his classroom in the morning. This Tuesday was a mile marker for both of us. I made William walk to his class. He threw a fit and kicked and screamed the whole way but.. we did it. Also on Tuesday when I came back to pick him up he saw that the staff put up all kinds of Christmas Decorations. William doesn't like change so.. He walked over to the trees and went to take them down. He told his teachers and I Clean up.HE screamed and cried and threw another fit. Two for two. Some of the office staff apparently are not aware they have Autistic children in their own school and I got that Gawking stare that I normally get while out in public with William. William was in such a tissy that I had to walk out the building and get the teacher to help me get William in the car. He fought both of us getting him into his seat. That was three for three. We went home and it was like nothing had ever upset him. He didn't put up much of a fight Wednesday morning walking down the hall and Thursday was even better. So my goal is after the Holiday break I'm going to pull up under the schools breezeway and let the teacher get William out the car in the morning. They are also going to start adding more at school time for him. Right now he's half a day. Which is only 3 hrs. So the will keep adding time to his schedule until he gets used to going full days. It's going to be a slow process but.. Its going to be for his benefit..
Today was also a good day for us. William and I made a ginger bread house. They made one at school yesterday. I felt that poor little house needed a friend. I got out the gram crackers and all the left over candy from Halloween we didn't eat, The peanut butter, The powdered sugar icing, Fruit loops, sprinkles and one giant LEGO. After I finally figured out how to make the gram crackers stick to the Lego using the peanut butter we were off and running. William sat at the kitchen table and watched me the whole time. I got him to help me when I added the fruit loops onto the roof. He didn't want to touch the rest of the candy for some reason. I asked him to add a fruit loop by telling him what color we needed and he did. Once we had that on. I added the sprinkles and we were finished.
The houses look FANTASTIC. Never thought of using peanut butter before! I might have to give it a try. We made one years ago and by the time it was built half of it was eaten :0)
Uh huh.. that's the main reason I wanted a Picture of it before William started eating the stuff off of it. Only now he thingks its a Birthday cake and we have a candle added to it.
He walks past it and says..
"Make a Wish" .. It's so funny.
Oh no! We had that at halloween, he wanted a cake. I thought heck why not, then he wanted candles, I thought heck wy not. Then as I put three candles in it, he thought he was three. We worked it out though in the end :0)
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