Williams Class had there Fall Festival Last Thursday. All the Little kids got dressed up as there favorite cartoon character or action hero. Not my William he refused to wear any costume this year. So.. I didn't want to make him feel left out. So I got creative and made him a shirt... William didn't fuss over it he actually wore it the entire time with out pulling at it.
The school staff put together all kinds of games just for the Children to use during the festival. They had a Bowling booth, A Fishing Booth, A jump rope booth, A coloring booth and a Reading booth. Williams class enjoyed each game except for William. He wanted no part of this whole exciting day. The kids scared him because they were wearing costumes. The teachers were dressed up too. So that didn't help matters either. Williams teacher were dressed up as the Three little pigs and the speech teacher was the Big bad wolf. So that scared him. I felt so sad for him. I was there but I wasn't right up underneath him. I actually stood back and watched how he reacted to everyone before I let my presents be known to William. I knew he would want to leave the second he saw me. I greeted him and the next two words he said were..I ready ! I told him no we had to go sit down. So we went and sat at waited for the Witches Brew skit to begin. The Directors told a story of the witches brew. They let a few kids come up to add stuff to there big black pumpkin pot. They added pretzels (dried bones), raisins ( Bat brains), Marsh mellows ( frog eyes), Cheerios ( snake skin ),
m & m ( monster fingers ) . Then they sang the witches brew song and the children were allowed to come get a treat bag filed with the witches brew. After that was done and over with We walked the halls so the other children could see there costumes. This was a big step for William. I was so afraid he would flip out with all the children screaming and cheering. But.... He did well. I think he knew we were headed for the doors to leave.. Once we got back to his class we got his book bag and left before the day was even over with. He was in such a hurry to leave we left his lunch box. I'm was just glad that day was over with and behind us.
You did good! Keep supporting through these experiences and he'll eventually learn how to enjoy them. Orangeboy has. He used to be wigged out by parties and other nonsense, but he gets it now. He is still not as enthusiastic as other kids, but he knows the ropes.
Sounds like he did really well! Well done William!
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