Welp we are just getting over (I Hope) being sick. William shared with us.. Gotta love your kids and the things they give ya.. Any ways.. I took William to the Dr. yesterday. His Dr's office opened a New office that was just as close as the regular office is to where we live. The Male Dr on call is the reason I went to the new office. Besides William doesn't like him either..So no need in subjecting both of us to his Quack-O ways..
Moving right along... He was treated like a new patient at this office. Paperwork extra..His Regular office had not faxed any info to this new office so they had No Idea he was Autistic. I finally told the Doctor after she kept attempting to speak to him..His Behavior was so Great yesterday.
."" Transition, transition , transition....""
I had a feeling he was gonna flip out but..He did great. He even let the Dr listen to his heart and look in his ears.. I told Dr.C she had bragging rights over Dr.Kim. I think it's more of her soft nature.. I'll make sure we book future visits with her..