Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Finally he gets it.

YAY !! I got the (DH) to attend Williams IEP meeting. I was so nervous that he would smart off and embarrass me. To my surprise he acted like a Adult and even asked questions. He liked all the answers too. So now that we are on the same page and he understands why we do what we do with William he has volunteered himself too helping me out with him. We're still attempting the Potty training so Dad takes William to the potty. WAHOOOO !! And Dad gets William to clean up after himself..YEAH !! And Dad it trying hard to not let William get over on him. Finally !! I feel like I have the huge weight lifted of my shoulders now. Who knew that a few Pictures from the Valentines Party and a couple of guilt trips about going to the meeting would make a world of a difference. I should have though of it sooner. Duh...

** Oh what we talked about during the meeting **

1. William will be at the same school again next year ..(YES for birthdays after the age dead line)

2. Too add an additional 30 minutes to his Day .( were getting soo close to that full day. We will be there in no time)

3. Some more much needed OT and Physical therapy.

There were a few other things we talked too. But I don't want to go On and on over them.

The main thing is William is doing so much better now then day one 9-5-08. The difference from that day and now are like Night and Day..

KUDO'S too all who have helped him along his way.
& Thank you all who read and make me feel like I'm not alone in this ASD world.

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