Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Finally he gets it.
YAY !! I got the (DH) to attend Williams IEP meeting. I was so nervous that he would smart off and embarrass me. To my surprise he acted like a Adult and even asked questions. He liked all the answers too. So now that we are on the same page and he understands why we do what we do with William he has volunteered himself too helping me out with him. We're still attempting the Potty training so Dad takes William to the potty. WAHOOOO !! And Dad gets William to clean up after himself..YEAH !! And Dad it trying hard to not let William get over on him. Finally !! I feel like I have the huge weight lifted of my shoulders now. Who knew that a few Pictures from the Valentines Party and a couple of guilt trips about going to the meeting would make a world of a difference. I should have though of it sooner. Duh...
** Oh what we talked about during the meeting **
1. William will be at the same school again next year ..(YES for birthdays after the age dead line)
2. Too add an additional 30 minutes to his Day .( were getting soo close to that full day. We will be there in no time)
3. Some more much needed OT and Physical therapy.
There were a few other things we talked too. But I don't want to go On and on over them.
The main thing is William is doing so much better now then day one 9-5-08. The difference from that day and now are like Night and Day..
KUDO'S too all who have helped him along his way.
& Thank you all who read and make me feel like I'm not alone in this ASD world.
** Oh what we talked about during the meeting **
1. William will be at the same school again next year ..(YES for birthdays after the age dead line)
2. Too add an additional 30 minutes to his Day .( were getting soo close to that full day. We will be there in no time)
3. Some more much needed OT and Physical therapy.
There were a few other things we talked too. But I don't want to go On and on over them.
The main thing is William is doing so much better now then day one 9-5-08. The difference from that day and now are like Night and Day..
KUDO'S too all who have helped him along his way.
& Thank you all who read and make me feel like I'm not alone in this ASD world.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Valentines party to Remember

Now that I've got your attention I got some more happy-happy news. Williams class had there little party yesterday . The last couple of parties I went to William was either upset or spotted me and we had to leave. Yesterday I was not the last to get there and the first one to leave.. Oh NO.!.! I got to stay for the party and them watch William play. How kewl is that... I first walked into the class and there was my William. Sitting in his chair ( with help from the buckled seat belt). Not crying might I add too. He knew something different was going on but that didn't seem to upset him. Before I got there he did pass out a few of his valentines until he had a collision with Dallen. They ran right into each other with all the commotion and excitement going on. I was more worried about the other little kid rather then William. He's tough as nails at times.
I noticed William slouching down in his chair after I was there for about a good 20 minutes or so. William knew it was time to go to the lunchroom. So Mrs. Monica unbuckled his seat and he ran to get his lunch box. Then he was ready to go to the lunchroom. He went off with his other class friends to the lunchroom. I stayed in the class and got to actually talk to the other parents. Then it was time for the other kids to leave so we walked to the front of the school with what was left of the class. I watched as two of Williams teachers headed for the playground. I knew I wanted to sneak a few more pictures and I would need some one to hide behind. So I quickly caught up to them.
Once we go to the playground I was scooping out the kids . I wanted to see William before he saw me. Mainly to watch him playing and having a good time. We found him playing on the big playground. So Mrs.Debbi went ahead of us to get his attention and try to see if he would go down the slide for me to see.. Yep that's what he did.. over and over and over again. He also did a (1st) yesterday. He wanted to only be in front of one Cute little blond hair blue eyed girl named Jade. That was so she could give him a little push down that slide.. WOW interacting with other kids..H~E~L~L~O !! That is Great...!!!! Then Mrs. Debbie got him to swing on a swing. YAY.. ( video being uploaded at Walmart hope to post soon)
So yesterday was a Good day. I got to see William go down a slide for the first time ever, interact with another child and transition from one setting to another with no complaints or lashes out in frustration. God this is going so well.. Oh lets not forget the Potty trip too. We haven't officially had action once on the potty but we are still sitting on it and not getting all worked up over being made to sit. So Sitting on the Potty at home and at school is still working great for us.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
So Happy I could just Cry !!
YAY for secret Agent Momma!! I got to go and sit in while William played on the Playground with his classmates. All while being un detected. I had to hide behind the teachers and had a few close calls. But I went to see him playing with Children and that's what I saw. He has never wanted to be near anyone other then us. My heart is so full right now I could just Cry. So you all be Happy with me. XXX ~Amanda

** In this Picture he is behind the stairs.

** He just slid down the slide in this one.

** here he is headed for the GYM

** This is why he wants to go to the gym.. The roller Board

** Time to go back to the Classroom and get ready to go home.

** In this Picture he is behind the stairs.

** He just slid down the slide in this one.

** here he is headed for the GYM

** This is why he wants to go to the gym.. The roller Board

** Time to go back to the Classroom and get ready to go home.
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