Friday, October 3, 2008


This week has sure been a roller coaster ride that I don't want to go on again any time soon. Monday william didn't go to school because he was still trying to get well. Tuesday was like the first day of school all over again. It did get better as the day went along. Wednesday & Thursday William didn't go to school because he was still very congested and irritated. Today wasn't much better.. William had to go to the doctor for his 4 year old Well check. I was told to be there at 10:00 for the appt when I made the appt 3 weeks ago. The office member put it in at 11:00. I knew William wouldn't last an entire hour of waiting in the lobby. SO I asked to have it rescheduled. Then after about 10 minutes the front desk clerk informed me that he would be worked in . She didn't seem to thrilled about it. She must have skipped breakfast or something because she was nasty. Customer service was not in her vocabulary today. William was called in a matter of 2 minutes and we went back. This nurse was much nicer. She was the same one from last Saturdays sick visit. She was very pleasant and understanding and apologized for the attitude that the front desk clerk had. She said " no one is perfect and we all make mistakes".

Once in the room they did the normal stuff height, weight and temp check. Then the review of meds, Ectra.. The nurse did all of that. She left and about 5 minutes later the doctor arrive. We saw Dr. Kennedy today. She is a very young doctor. William wasn't afraid of her and he let her listen to his heart and even let her look in his mouth. WOW.. He normally puts up a fight. I though everything was going great until I learned how many shots he was getting today. ( 5 )... I had to brace myself for what I knew was going to happen in the next 15 or so minutes.... I did ask if they could combine all of them into one shot and Dr. Kenndey said they could not be combined.. I was thinking to myself.. If you can't combine them before you give the shot then WHY are you going to inject all of them at one time into my child...! I feel that these vaccines are what triggered Williams autism. I have spoken to other mothers that have children with APD and they feel that there Child was okay up until certain vaccines were administered. I think they should space them out. I feel that even Parents with children that don't have the ASD would feel the same way. No one likes to see there kids getting 5 shots at one time. One at a time is more like it. . So we will see what these 5 shots do to him over the next few days. I know that a low grade fever is most likely going to happen. So I'll be waiting with the Tylenol when he needs it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor baby I hope hes feeling better as I also hate when my kids had shots.Amber is 13 and she had to get 3 the other day so I feel the pain and I am sure its much harder with him.Keep your head up it will only get better once his immune system kicks in...:)