Wednesday, October 8, 2008

He's growing up..

William had a good day today. William didn't want to get dressed this am . He wanted to watch Blues Clues instead. I had to force him just to get his socks on. After I won the battle he didn't even attempt a struggle over his shirt, pants or his shoes. I think he knew in his own little mind that Momma wasn't being a push over this am.. Once at school he went right in the class and immediately started playing board games with his classmates. I left and came home to do my normal morning routine. Before I knew it 9:55 was already here. I convinced Williams Daddy to ride with me to pick him up. I told him he didn't even have to get out the car. He agreed and we were off. I had to stop at the store before we got to the school. If William had a Good Day I always give him a treat. William LOVES those Tootsie Pops.

Then we arrived at the School. I parked Right out in the Front so Will could see William when we walked out. I went inside to state claim to my spot on the bench to wait for my lil' Guys arrival. For some reason ..Today I kept watching the clock.. I peeked around the corner to see if they were coming like every five minutes. I guess i was anxious for Will so see our Little Man walking with all his stuff on. Then... I could here Williams class making there way to the front of the school. It was like a Parade of Well Behaved kids. I could hear the other kids asking each other.. " Hey is that your mommy ?".. It was too cute. Then there was my William.. Walking with His teacher. He spotted me and he and his teacher walked over to me. Mrs. Debbie always tells me how his day went. She said he loved the slide. She said at first he didn't want to be on it but after a couple of times going down it he wanted to do it more and more.. Then it was time for us to go and I asked William if he wanted to tell Mrs. Debbie bye.. ( When William wants us to give him kisses he leans his head towards us so we can kiss the top of his head.) William leaned his head towards Mrs. Debbie and she kissed the top of his head.. Now That completely shocked me. The only people he has EVER let do that was us. Then if that wasn't enough .. I asked him if he wanted to tell Samantha bye.. He spotted her right in the middle of the group of kids and said BYE... She stared at him in complete shock as well. Then she said..Bye William.. See ya tomorrow.. Then Williams says..Tomorrow.. Then out the door we went headed for Daddy who was patiently waiting for us to come out. We were greeted again by his two other teachers Ms. Monica and Ms. Sherry. Once again.. William told them bye and let them hug him.. Wills mouth dropped open. I told Will that William was getting used to school. I had to prove it to him. What a better way to do it..=)

1 comment:

That one girl. said...

What an inspiring story!
Your son is very adorable. :)

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