Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Take notes!

Well tomorrow is Williams first day back to school. I'm nervous about this year. This summer held a lot of uncertain things looking at us. With a possible move to a new school. That didn't happen thank goodness. I would have really Been a basket of nerves. The school Principal and the staff at the BOE not returning any of my calls or emails. That was frustrating . It was and still is like they hold the deck to my house of cards and at any given time they can pull the rug out from under my feet. I want these people to know and understand I am in charge of my child's future .. I didn't carry him for 9 months, birth him for 11 hrs and 47 minutes for nothing... he's my kid.. my responsibility not theirs. Yes they can be concerned but they get paid to be.. I'm working for free and getting paid with love ! so hello 2012-2013 school year..here we come and FYI I will roll up in another office to get a reaction when you ignore me.. I have a voice for my Child and myself..!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

boo for bad day"!

And I'd it could get any worse..It does..! I was told this morning that...William will not be in the same teachers class next year. they don't know yet where he will be. i feel so helpless. this is truly hurting my heart, messing with my mind and I know... it's going to devastate william. Why must these decisions be made at the last minute or.. why are the parents the last ones to know about these major decisions. Our children are the ones who suffer the most. Yes teaching is a hard job but... living with a unhappy child is another. they get to go home at the end of their day to their happy lives while we get to prepare for the next challenge we face. Having a special needs child is a 24-7 365 days a year job. I love my kid don't get me wrong but the fear of the unknown is the worse feeling ever..

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fwd: www.wtoc.com : Students help collect snacks for GreetnTreat Day

Williams Class~~~***

Subject: www.wtoc.com : Students help collect snacks for GreetnTreat Day

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Williams class

Students help collect snacks for GreetnTreat Day


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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Williams basket

Williams Eggs

2nd Grade Here we come!

Williams IEP went better then I thought. He will be in the same classroom again next school year. OT once a week and speech Twice a week. His Behavior has been a major issue. We saw his Doctors yesterday. Dr.S changed his meds and suggested a Behavior specialist check him out. I spoke to his teacher and william has a behavior plan in the classroom that he has been following since the start of school. William only lashes out when he is asked to do something that he doesn't want to do. Owell... I've never met a Autistic child or Adult that wasn't going to test their boundaries atleast once or ten times. What do ya do..Keep moving forward.

So spring break is just around the corner and Swimming pool season is right here. Williams favorite time of the year. He loves to swim..He loves it so much he thought today would be a good day to flood the bathroom. Yes he's trying to swim in the sink again. (Sigh) I was on the phone with the doctors office and I heard running water..Never a good sign when it comes to William..Sure enough..I walked in the bathroom and their he sat..in the sink, naked & water pouring all over the floors & counter.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

~April 10th can't get here fast enough! We see his doctor then. they didn't have any cancel appointments so.( guess theses other parents see what I see about Dr.S) love him.. on a Happier note... we're getting William another pool for summer. I'm going to get William some speedos this summer. the neighbors can appreciate that. no worries of being mooned by William who tries to run naked out of the pool. I sware he thinks the pool is his outside bath tub. lol. this Monday is his dreaded IEP meeting. I have a feeling I'm not going to like what I hear this time. I think the negative fairy is going to grace us with her appearance. (Sigh) ! it's been building up for a while. I just may have to show out! ( y'all stay tuned for that out Come) . until then~Amanda

Friday, March 23, 2012

I'm officially upset!

William has been having a rough month. every single day I with get a note sent home, a phone call made or sad faces covering his behavior chart. It's depressing I don't know how many parents out their can honestly say their child's behavior at school doesn't bother then. His latest note included .. going to time out 8 times, kicking , hitting and head butting his teachers followed by.. His curse words of choice along with a new one that I've never heard him say. His sleeping has been a issue again. I've put him back on his melatonin but I'm starting to think his regular meds are not working. I've called the doctor that prescribed it and begged for a earlier appointment then our April 10th. I may be bald by then on on Xanax. ABA therapy isn't a option for us because #1 the lady we were referred too wants to see him 40 hrs a week. his insurance will only cover about 10% of that and the rest is coming out my pocket.. "hello"! I don't work. obviously William is my full time job. With a child that has this much going on can you honestly see a employer being thrilled over their worker have to leave in the middle of a shift to go rescue their child's teacher from their kid.. umm.. no!
The Davis's

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Okay.. whats new with us.. Well.. where do I start.. We are now seeing a new doctor. He's from the Marcus Autism center out of Atlanta Dr. Roy Sanders. He has written a book & has a child on the spectrum himself. So that addition makes me feel good. It just gives me that much extra respect for a doctor who goes threw the same things I do. Speaking of Doctors..William now loves his pediatrician. Its his Spanish girl Friend. She is soo Good with him. which makes me smile. He Even likes the Assistant. She's Hispanic also. He loves him some Rosa and Dr.Caudill. lol.. He's now taking Meds to help with his aggression . Yes he is 80 lbs now and when he gets upset...That's a night mare. I don't try to restrain him anymore because ..I am not that strong ..so I've resorted to the talks. We go in a room..turn off all the lights, tv, extra. anything that draws electricity. He calms down and I tell him his behavior makes mommy and daddy sad.
schooling is going well. His teacher and I have a understanding. He knows 26 out of the 28 sight words they require for his level. Speech at school is going well and speech at home is even better. We got William a IPad and he loves it. I blocked YouTube from the main page but..William will spell out the name "Thomas" in safari and guess who's bypassing my block.. yes.. you got it.. he watches this videos and really enjoys it. I've had to turn on the parent restrictions. so he won't be seeing any R rated videos or web sites. Only G rated stuff for my smart boy. I have to change the password often because he's watching and hacks my blocks.. stinker! Special Olympics are coming up in March. I hope to get more pictures this year. he did okay last year but it rained. We just did a Christmas Party in Dec and We got to see Santa claus. so now every time we are in the tub William puts foam on his chin and say.. I Santa Claus.. hahaha too funny.
I have to say.. since his vocabulary has increased he seems to be opening up more. he speaks to the other parents in the morning telling them " Good Morning" . which he wouldn't do last year. he'd either look the other way or close his eyes. sleeping is still a issue. he's completely potty trained. which I absolutely love.. umm.. I can't think of anymore to tell but if I do.. I'll post again. take care and watch you inbox.

Emails brought to you by :The Davis's ~Amanda, Will & William

oh!! I'm stuck!

remember the kid who didn't like to get dirty..well.. here he is and not eating dirt anymore..

Summer fun 2011

my valentines picture. colored all by himself

look who's writing his own name....