I sent a mini-candy bar to school in Williams lunch box. What was I
thinking? I hide it from him the right before in his lunch box. Then this morning I
packed his lunch without remembering..Duh~! So William had himself a
screaming fit right in the middle of the lunch room and got put in time out in the
Principal Office... Way To Go Me... ( Oh it gets Better)
While he was sitting in time out at a Desk that faces the wall..William
screams and then Yells out a Curse word..Great ..My Child the playground Bully
and Now the Foul Mouth kid.. It was not just any old 4 letter word but a
Foul 5 letter word..I was soo Embarrassed. I didn't find out about the word
until I went to school to pick up William. Apparently when you get older the
"Principals Office " is still just as scary.. After I was told that I didn't
know what to say.. I went home talked about it with the family and then our
Private Speech therapist. They only thing I can think he was trying to say
was "Pushing ". He was in a chair and desk that faces the wall and he was
pushing away from it...I don't know.... We don't talk that way at home and we
don't go around people that do speak that way. The worst We say are the
usual.. H*ll, D*mn, Sh*t. Last year he would get mad and say "What they H*ll". I
don't know..... (SIGH) </HTML>