Thursday, December 31, 2009

Daddy the Fixer

Daddy Solved the Chapped lips Issue we were having with William..Yeah I'm Shocked too. I'm surprised I didn't think of it myself. But Daddy's are Fixers and we have had a Issue with William and his Chapped lips for a long time. He got to where he would pull the skin on his lips and make them bleed. I tried regular Chap Stick with him and he would get mad and wipe it off. One of his teachers suggested I put it on his lips as he slept. That was a great Idea only William is a Light sleeper and I knew he would wake up and would freak out then the whole day would be a Sour one.


So the FIX:


Daddy got Strawberry Flavored Chap stick. It's Red too. Which is one of Williams favorite colors. Plus it had a Nice Yummy smell. William smells everything he eats or taste. I showed him how to use the chap stick them I put it on him . A little at first. He didn't get mad or try to wipe it off ..Instead he tasted it. He liked it so much he asked for more. LOL. I put more on his lips as requested.  Good Job Williams Daddy..

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Coloring at Home?

Yes !... My Child colors at home.(another Blog on another day..Putting my Thick skin coat back on..) He has been putting up a fight with his teachers about Not finishing his work.Things take time and I've learned that he has to Relearn how to do things over all the time. So simple request are very difficult with him. That's all part of having a Child with Autism. Just because you know how to tie your shoes today doesn't mean you will remember how the Next Day... Repeat..Repeat.. Repeat..

When you fall off a bike get up, brush your self off and try again.. Being Autistic is Very much like this..The only Extra point in that is you need Help doing things like this.. Thats why parents take their kids to school an hire therapist. We are only one person.