Last night I ran around here like a frantic crazy women. I was so afraid I'd forget something I had to do for today. I packed Williams Lunch, set out his cloths for today and a spair in his bookbag, cooked dinner and made sure his car seat was in Nina's Car (Long story set for another day ..Maybe..)
I put William in the tub at a earlier time so I could tire him out faster. When he got out the tub we went straight to bed. No side tracking to play or watch a movie. He knew in his little mind what was going on ..He turned off the lights & Hopped into bed. He giggled for about a good 35 minutes then he was out like a light.
This mornimg was very much the same. He jumpped up at 5:30 .Came to me and said.. I'm ready. I told him it wasn't time yet. So back to bed he went for another 45 minutes of hard sleeping. The alarm went off at 6:20 and I let it buzz long enought untill I could here him making Noise. I turned on the tv and started to get myself dresses. He waited patiently for me to finish and then went and sat down beside his shoes and cloths. He Helped me put his shirt on and I finished up the rest of his attire for the day. I guess I was taking too long wanting to take pictures so he put his book bag on so..

Out the door we went and on to school. William was really ready to go back. I wasn't but he was.. Once at school it was like ol' times for him. Out the car to the double doors . Only this time instead of Mrs.L waiting on him it was his..Mrs.KK.. He was thrilled to see her .He went right to her and didn't even look back. Once again I was just the Lady who gave him a ride to school LOL..